Notice of Public Bidding

The City of Waukon is asking for sealed bids to perform the demolition and cleanup process for the buildings at 9 Allamakee Street and 11 Allamakee Street.  Due to the fire damage, the site is considered asbestos contaminated and will require a trained asbestos supervisor onsite to direct the demolition and cleanup process.  Contractors will also need to follow all relevant Iowa OSHA regulations.

Potential bidders are encouraged to contact City Hall at 563-568-3491 with questions and for additional direction regarding cleanup provided to the City by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources.

Sealed bids are due on Friday, October 14, 2022 at 12:00 noon to the City Clerk’s Office at City Hall, 101 Allamakee Street, Waukon, Iowa 52172 or by email at  The City of Waukon reserves the right to reject any or all bids submitted.