September 6, 2022 City Council Agenda

Waukon City Council Agenda, Tuesday, September 6, 2022– 7:00 P.M.

  1. Call to order by the Mayor.
  1. Approval of the consent agenda
    1. Agenda – Recommendation, approval of agenda.
    2. Minutes – Approval of August 15, 2022 and September 1, 2022 Special Session
    3. Approval of the Board of Adjustment’s Decision of a denial for a sign permit variance for 108 2nd NW
    4. Resolution –
      1. Scheduling Public hearing for September 19, 2022 at 7 PM on Proposing Disposition of Interest in Real Property – West Side Development Lot 2 in Lot 2
      2. Agreeing to the transfer from the Wellness Center Operating fund to the General Fund for the Wellness Center employee share-reimbursement for the August, 2022 payroll salaries
      3. Agreeing to transfer from the General Fund to the Hotel/Motel Fund
      4. Agreeing to the transfer from the American Rescue Plan Fund to the Capital Project Fund-Maintenance Garage for the Maintenance Garage Project
      5. Agreeing to the transfer back to the General Fund from the CDBG Housing Rehab Fund
      6. Agreeing to the transfer from the Water Resource Restoration Fund back to the Sewer Fund for reimbursement
      7. Agreeing to the transfer from the Sewer Revenue Fund to the Sewer Revenue Bond Sinking Fund for the principal/interest payment on the Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 2019 and Series 2021 – $1M and Series 2021-$750K
    5. Approval of Temporary Relocation Voucher – CDBG Housing Program – Ahlstrom
    6. Approval of City Clerk/Treasurer’s Report – August, 2022
    7. Claims – Approval of claims
  1. Public Comments – citizens may speak to the Council at this time of the meeting.


  1. Reports:
    1. Departments: Cate, Jeremy, Jim, Keith, Paul
    2. City Attorney
    3. City Manager
    4. Mayor & City Council


  1. Public Hearings:
    1. On proposal to enter into an amended Sewer Revenue Loan and Disbursement Agreement
    2. Ordinance Changing where a permit for displaying merchandise on sidewalks can be obtained to being done by the City.


  1. Resolution:
    1. Taking additional action on proposal to enter into an amended Sewer Revenue Loan and Disbursement Agreement


  1. Ordinances
    1. Changing where a permit for displaying merchandise on sidewalks can be obtained to being done by the City.
    2. Public Comment on Dangerous Buildings Ordinance Change
      1. Changing the enforcement officer of Dangerous Buildings from City Mayor to the City Council directing the City Manager for the responsibility of the enforcement


  1. Considerations/Requests for Direction
    1. Discussion on Welcome to Waukon Signs
    2. Review and discuss Park Comprehensive Plan
    3. Closed Session: Per Iowa Code Chapter 21.5 (1)(j) to discuss the purchase or sale of particular real estate only where premature disclosure could be reasonably expected to increase the price the governmental body would have to pay for that property or reduce the price the governmental body would receive for that property. (x5)
    4. Discuss purchase of property on 11th SW


  1. Adjournment


Meetings may also be offered via zoom depending on availability; Go to; Join a meeting; Enter Meeting ID: 5635683491.