September 3, 2024 City Council Minutes

The Waukon City Council met in regular session on September 3, 2024, at 6:00 P.M. in the council room of City Hall, 101 Allamakee Street and via Zoom technology. Mayor Arvid Hatlan presided. Council members present: John Lydon, Nick Engrav, Dave Blocker and Steve Wiedner. Council members absent: Kevin Johnson. Others present: City Manager Gary Boden; Street Superintendent Keith Burrett; Park, Recreation and Wellness Director Jeremy Strub; Water/Sewer Superintendent Jim Cooper; Police Chief Paul Wagner; Finance Director Lana Snitker; Assistant City Attorney Hattie Frana, Fehr Graham – Sam Ertl; The Standard – Joe Moses; and citizens.

The mayor called the meeting to order. The mayor mentioned the discussion item regarding the development agreement with Tailwind Capital Partners will be moved below public comments and held in a closed session.


Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Johnson

To approve the consent agenda with that change.

  • Approval of Agenda
  • Minutes of August 19, 2024
  • Approval of Planning & Zoning Commission board member renewal term for Harvey Estebo – 5 years
  • Resolution – agreeing to the transfer of $9,045 from the Street Improvement/LOST Fund to the City Parking Lot/Alley Fund for street project. The clerk assigned number 24-120 to the resolution.
  • Resolution – agreeing to the transfer of 25% of the total ($8,429.47) (Hotel/Motel money received in August 2024 and deposited into the General Fund) from the General Fund to the Hotel/Motel (Tourism/Economic Development) Fund in the amount of $2,107.37. The clerk assigned number 24-121 to the resolution.
  • Approval of claims


Yes: Wiedner, Lydon, Blocker, Engrav | Absent: Johnson | No: 0

The mayor declared the motion carried.


Under Public Comments: Val Reinke noted that this Thursday there will be an open house from 5:30 – 7:30 pm at the Childcare Center in Postville to discuss the wage enhancement program.


Under Department Reports: Park, Recreation and Wellness Director Strub noted they started work on the tree project at the Five Bridges Trail, Water/Sewer Superintendent Cooper mentioned he would like to see language regarding the water corps changed and asked if it could be an agenda item for discussion, Street Superintendent Burrett stated the nuisance abatement for vegetation has been going well with only one out of twelve of the lawns recently not having been mowed, and Police Chief Wagner noted he has been updating the PD policy manual and that Officer Rostad finished FTO. Sam Ertl gave updates on projects noting he has sent invoices regarding the Blue Heron Dr. project to the developer, but they have not been paid.


Clerk Snitker noted the steering committee will be present before the next council meeting on September 16th from 4-6pm for the public to come and look at the design boards for potential projects. City Manager Boden shared an update on the developer and engineer costs for the Bresnahan project and noted that the TIF meeting will be pushed back. Council member Wiedner asked if something can be done regarding construction trailers being parked overnight on the streets as it makes visibility difficult for drivers. Mayor Hatlan noted the roof project at city hall is anticipated to be done this week and he has had complaints from citizens regarding people not picking up after their dogs.


Allamakee County Auditor Denise Beyer discussed the City of Waukon’s current nomination system noting the differences between a runoff election and a petition election. The council wants to have this as a discussion item in the future so they can get more feedback from the public on their preference.

No action taken.


Chris Troendle with Upper Explorerland RPC presented information on the Northeast Iowa Regional Housing Trust Fund and asked the city for a 3-year commitment for local match funds. The council wanted this to be brought back so that city staff could check the finances.

No action taken.


The mayor opened a public hearing proposing disposition of interest in real property- Lot 2 in “Bresnahan Property”. The clerk stated there were no oral or written comments received and the mayor closed the hearing.


Moved by: Blocker | Seconded by: Engrav

To approve pay estimate #8 in the amount of $6,977.67 to Skyline Construction for the 1st St. NW to 1st Ave. NW Storm Sewer Improvements Project and to approve the resolution accepting work covering this project.

Yes: Blocker, Engrav, Lydon, Wiedner | Absent: 1 | No: 0

The mayor declared the motion and resolution passed. The clerk assigned number 24-122 to the resolution.


Hatlan stated he was contacted by IDOT regarding exchanging HWY 76, which is currently West Main Street, for the section of 9th Street from Quillin’s going south. The council are in favor of having more discussion on this.

No action was taken.


Clerk Snitker discussed the CDBG Water and Sewer program and noted that to apply, Waukon would need to meet the LMI requirements which requires a survey to be done.

Moved by: Wiedner | Seconded by: Lydon

To hire UERPC to complete an LMI Survey.

Yes: 4 | Absent: 1 | No: 0

The mayor declared the motion carried.


Boden noted he would like to wait on discussion of street projects until he is able to check the finances. Engrav noted he is still in favor of moving forward with street projects that involve replacement of the water and sewer with Hatlan stating he thinks we should hold off on projects until we know more about the CDBG Water and Sewer Fund program.

No action taken.


Under Public Comments: None


Moved by: Engrav | Seconded by: Lydon

To enter Closed Session: per Iowa Code Chapter 21.5 (1) (j) to discuss the purchase or sale of particular real estate only where premature disclosure could be reasonably expected to increase the price the governmental body would have to pay for that property or reduce the price the governmental body would receive for that property.

Yes: Lydon, Blocker, Wiedner, Engrav | Absent: Johnson | No: 0

The mayor declared the motion carried.


Moved by: Wiedner | Seconded by: Blocker

To exit closed session.

Yes: Lydon, Blocker, Wiedner, Engrav | Absent: Johnson | No: 0

The mayor declared the motion carried.


Moved by: Blocker | Seconded by: Lydon

To enter open session.

Yes: Lydon, Blocker, Wiedner, Engrav | Absent: Johnson | No: 0

The mayor declared the motion carried.

Roll call was taken.


Moved by: Wiedner | Seconded by: Engrav

To adjourn.

Yes: 4 | Absent: 1 | No: 0

The mayor declared the motion carried.