September 16, 2024 City Council Minutes

The Waukon City Council met in regular session on September 16, 2024, at 6:00 P.M. in the council room of City Hall, 101 Allamakee Street and via Zoom technology. Mayor Arvid Hatlan presided. Council members present: John Lydon, Nick Engrav, Dave Blocker, Kevin Johnson and Steve Wiedner. Others present: City Manager Gary Boden; Street Superintendent Keith Burrett; Park, Recreation and Wellness Director Jeremy Strub; Police Chief Paul Wagner; Finance Director Lana Snitker; Assistant City Attorney Kevin Stinn, Fehr Graham – Sam Ertl; The Standard – Joe Moses; and citizens.

The mayor called the meeting to order. Engrav asked if the invoices to Fehr Graham Engineering for the Bresnahan Addition totaling $27,500 could be pulled from the claims list for discussion. Boden noted those will be removed from claims and brought back at the next meeting.


Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Johnson

To approve the consent agenda with that change.

  • Approval of Agenda
  • Minutes of September 3, 2024
  • Approval of Special Class C Retail Alcohol License for Proverbial Taproom (pending dramshop review)
  • Resolution – agreeing to the transfer of $51,607 from the Street Improvement/LOST Fund to the City Parking Lot/Alley Fund for street project. The clerk assigned number 24-123 to the resolution.
  • Resolution – setting date for public hearing on designation of the expanded southeast urban renewal area and on urban renewal plan amendment. The clerk assigned number 24-124 to the resolution.
  • Approval of Annual Finance Report for FYE June 30, 2024
  • Approval of City Clerk/Treasurer’s Report August 2024
  • Approval of claims

Yes: Wiedner, Lydon, Blocker, Engrav, Johnson | No: 0

The mayor declared the motion carried.


Under Public Comments: A citizen complimented the elected officials for taking off their hats during the meeting. ACED Director Val Reinke encouraged everyone to meet with Ben Garrett about the housing project for the Bresnahan Addition. NEIA Field Coordinator for Trees Forever Bri Hull mentioned the design boards that were set out for the community visioning program prior to the council meeting.


Under Department Reports: Park, Recreation and Wellness Director Strub noted the wellness center has been busier now that school is back in session. Street Superintendent Burrett stated they will be finishing the patching tomorrow and the sweeper will be out next month for fall pickup. Police Chief Wagner reminded everyone of the recent ordinance change regarding the restricted exit from the high school during certain hours. Sam Ertl gave updates on projects noting 4th St. NW should hopefully have a letter of recommendation of completion by the next meeting, the parking lot project is complete except for 3 signs regarding the traffic flow being installed and the Bresnahan Addition Street project will need to be extended if the letting occurs this Friday.


Clerk Snitker noted the discussion on the nomination process was moved to the next meeting so the council could hear more feedback from the public. City Manager Boden shared there will need to be a development agreement related to the right of way for the street project in the Bresnahan addition and he discussed the engineering scope of work to be on the next agenda. Boden also noted the police department has unionized with 5 officers and an administrative assistant joining.


Engrav wanted to let residents know they can contact the city to have them run a camera through their sewer line for $200. Lydon mentioned he has heard positive feedback about the parking lot. Hatlan mentioned he wants discussion on bidding out for engineering services on the next agenda.


Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Wiedner

To approve the 1st reading of the ordinance amending provisions pertaining to electronic meetings.

Yes: Lydon, Blocker, Johnson, Wiedner, Engrav | No: 0

The mayor declared the motion carried.


Moved by: Engrav | Seconded by: Lydon

To waive the additional readings of the ordinance amending provisions pertaining to electronic meetings.

Yes: Lydon, Blocker, Johnson, Wiedner, Engrav | No: 0

The mayor declared the motion carried.


Moved by: Blocker | Seconded by: Lydon

To adopt the ordinance amending provisions pertaining to electronic meetings.

Yes: Lydon, Blocker, Johnson, Wiedner, Engrav | No: 0

The mayor declared the motion carried and the clerk assigned number 843 to the ordinance.


Moved by: Wiedner | Seconded by: Blocker

To approve the 1st reading of the ordinance amending provisions pertaining to operating budget preparation, the ordinance changing the publication of minutes, the ordinance changing the notification for excavations, the ordinance changing the authority to cite violations in the fire department, the ordinance adding regulations pertaining to tobacco device retailers, and the ordinance adding person riding a bicycle as a pedestrian.

Yes: Lydon, Blocker, Johnson, Wiedner, Engrav | No: 0

The mayor declared the motion carried.


Moved by: Engrav | Seconded by: Blocker

To waive the additional readings of the ordinance amending provisions pertaining to operating budget preparation, the ordinance changing the publication of minutes, the ordinance changing the notification for excavations, the ordinance changing the authority to cite violations in the fire department, the ordinance adding regulations pertaining to tobacco device retailers, and the ordinance adding person riding a bicycle as a pedestrian.

Yes: Lydon, Blocker, Johnson, Wiedner, Engrav | No: 0

The mayor declared the motion carried.


Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Johnson

To adopt the ordinance amending provisions pertaining to operating budget preparation, the ordinance changing the publication of minutes, the ordinance changing the notification for excavations, the ordinance changing the authority to cite violations in the fire department, the ordinance adding regulations pertaining to tobacco device retailers, and the ordinance adding person riding a bicycle as a pedestrian.

Yes: Lydon, Blocker, Johnson, Wiedner, Engrav | No: 0

The mayor declared the motion carried and the clerk assigned number 844, 845, 846, 847, 848, 849 to the ordinances.


Val Reinke discussed a NEIRHTF home removal application that was received for 607 W Main Street and explained the program. Clerk Snitker mentioned that the owner should be notified that they will be required to cover any expenses that will be incurred from transferring the property to the city and back to them.

Moved by: Wiedner | Seconded by: Lydon

To approve the NEIRHTF demolition application for 607 W Main Street.

Yes: 5 | No: 0

The mayor declared the motion carried.


Strub discussed increasing the wellness center administrative assistants’ hours from 28-30 to 32-35 per week for full-time employment.

Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Engrav

To approve the increased hours for the Wellness Center Administrative Assistant.

Yes: 5 | No: 0

The mayor declared the motion carried.


Clerk Snitker discussed options for two different Owl Camera systems for the city council chambers.

Moved by: Engrav | Seconded by: Johnson

To move forward with purchasing one Owl 4+ camera.

Yes: 5 | No: 0

The mayor declared the motion carried.


Ertl discussed the working days for the West Street SW Improvements project, noting his recommendation would be 5 additional days and the contractor had requested 15 additional days.

Moved by: Blocker | Seconded by: Lydon

To approve 10 additional working days and to approve pay estimate #2 of $60,432.64 to Skyline Construction.

Yes: 5 | No: 0

The mayor declared the motion carried.


Ertl went over the changes from the change order for the city parking lot project.

Moved by: Wiedner | Seconded by: Lydon

To approve change order #2 and pay estimate #2 of $152,215.54 to Skyline Construction for the City Parking Lot Improvements Project.

Yes: 5 | No: 0

The mayor declared the motion carried.


Hatlan read the Truck and Heavy Vehicle Parking Ordinance as a reminder to the public.

No action taken.


Stinn discussed sidewalk maintenance liability to the city and noted that the council might want to address sidewalk issues for ones that have problems. The council want this on the October 21st agenda for more discussion.

No action taken.


Hatlan mentioned we need to discuss replacing the storm sirens as the one on city hall was removed when the roof was completed and the other three do not work properly. He will bring this back for more discussion when he has pricing.

No action taken.


Boden discussed the TIF Funding and a reduction that is occurring next year, the proposed LOSST capital project spending for FY 2026-2036, the debt capacity. Boden discussed the storm water charge is currently a flat rate fee of $2 a month and asked council if they want to raise that by $2. He also discussed the council might want to look at raising water rates.

No action taken.


Under Public Comments: A citizen asked about the new sewer plant and the increase only being a certain number of years with Boden noting it’s a 20-year loan. Ben Garrett noted that he appreciates the council’s time.


Moved by: Blocker | Seconded by: Johnson

To adjourn.

Yes: 5 | No: 0

The mayor declared the motion carried.