October 17 City Council Agenda

Monday, October 17, 2022– 7:00 P.M.


  1. Call to order by the Mayor.


  1. Approval of the consent agenda
    1. Agenda – Recommendation, approval of agenda.
    2. Minutes – Approval of October 3, 2022 Regular Session & October 7, 2022 Special Session
    3. Resolution –
      1. Agreeing to the transfer from the General Fund to the Library Fund for operations
      2. Approving FYE 2022 Street Finance Report
      3. Agreeing to the transfer from the TIF Fund to the Debt Service Fund for the annual premium of the Letter of Credit per loan premium agreement between the City of Waukon and Allamakee/Clayton Electric Cooperative, Inc. for the Fire Station.
      4. Authorizing Internal Advance to Tax Increment Sub fund
      5. Appropriating Funds for Tax Rebate for the 2024 Fiscal Year
      6. Agreeing to the transfer from the Street Improvement/LOST Fund to the Road Use Tax/RUT Fund for chip sealing/crack filling.
      7. Agreeing to the transfer from the Water Resource Restoration Fund, from Urban Water Quality Initiative proceeds, to the Water Fund for internal loan repayment.
      8. Agreeing to the transfer from the WWTP Construction Fund to the Sewer Plant Improvement Fund for engineering costs for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Project.
      9. Agreeing to the transfer from the Sewer Fund to the Water Resource Restoration Fund for engineering costs for the Water Resource Restoration Sponsored Project.
      10. Agreeing to the transfer from the Street Improvement Fund to the FYE 21/22 Street Improvement Capital Project Fund for street projects.
      11. Agreeing to the transfer from the General Fund to the Water Resource Restoration Fund for contract costs for the Water Resource Restoration Sponsored Project.
    4. Approval of Liquor License:
      1. Ownership update for Waukon Steakhouse Inc., d/b/a AJ’s Steakhouse, 12 W Main St.
      2. Approval of Class C Liquor License (LC) (Commercial) with Outdoor Service and Sunday Sales for Good Fellas, Inc. dba Good Fellas, 29 W Main Street.
      3. Approval of Class C Liquor License (LC) (Commercial) with outdoor service and Sunday sales for Uptown Grill, LLC, 39 West Main St. (approval pending receipt of additional documentation)
    5. Approval of Change Order #2 and Pay Estimate #4 – 2022 Street Improvements Project
    6. Approval of Storm Water Quality Improvement Projects
      1. Pay estimate #4 – Contract A, Aaron Crane Construction LLC
      2. Pay Estimate #2 – Contract B, Skyline Construction, Inc.
    7. Approval of City Clerk’s/Treasurer’s Report – September, 2022
    8. Claims – Approval of claims


  1. Public Hearing Request on Dangerous Building Notice: 403 5th NW


  1. Public Comments – citizens may speak to the Council at this time of the meeting.


  1. Reports:
    1. Departments: Cate, Jeremy, Jim, Keith, Paul
    2. City Clerk
    3. City Attorney
    4. City Manager
    5. Mayor & City Council


  1. Resolution: Setting Date for Public Hearing on Urban Renewal Plan Amendment


  1. Considerations/Requests for Direction
    1. Review/Approval on Health Insurance Renewal
    2. Discussion on Park & Rec, Wellness Ordinance
    3. Resolution: Approving Pay Plan Step Increase
    4. Discussion on Quotes for Demo/Cleanup of 9 & 11 Allamakee St.
    5. Discussion of Parking Lot Reconstruction
    6. Discussion on TIF projects – Pladsen Development Area
    7. Discussion on City Participation in County Façade Improvement Program
    8. Discussion on Evacuation/Shelter Planning – Corey Snitker


  1. Adjournment


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