The Waukon City Council met in regular session on May 16, 2022 at 7:00 P.M. in the council room of City Hall, 101 Allamakee Street and via Zoom technology. Mayor Pat Stone presided. Council members present: Kevin Johnson, John Lydon, Arvid Hatlan and Steve Wiedner. Council members absent: Andy Sires. Others present: City Manager Gary Boden; Police Chief Paul Wagner; Park, Recreation & Wellness Director Jeremy Strub; Water & Sewer Superintendent Jim Cooper; Street Superintendent Keith Burrett; City Attorney Jeff Swartz; Standard- Joe Moses; Fehr Graham – Lyle Tekippe; and citizens.
The Mayor called the meeting to order. He mentioned line-item c under consent agenda regarding a public hearing on zoning ordinance should also list 4 6th St. SW. Hatlan asked to pull the resolution accepting work and final pay estimate for the 2021 Street Improvements Project from consent agenda and move to be discussed under resolutions.
Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Hatlan
To approve the consent agenda.
- Agenda
- Minutes of May 2, 2022 regular session
- Approval of public hearing on zoning Ordinance for 520 West Main Street and 4 6th St. SW to be scheduled for June 6, 2022 at 7PM.
- Approval of Airport Asphalt maintenance quote from Driveway Specialist LLC for $41,850
- Approval of Class C Liquor License (LC) (Commercial) with Class B Native Wine Permit, Outdoor Service and Sunday Sales for Waukon Event Center, LLC, 612 Rossville Rd. (Approval pending receipt of required documentation from new owner)
- Approval of Class B Beer (BB) (includes Wine Coolers) for Liddiard, LLC. dba Lid’s Bar & Grill, 1350 9th St SW.
- Resolution – Agreeing to close the extension of Highway Iowa 76 and Iowa 9 and 76 for RAGBRAI. The Clerk assigned number 22-67 to the resolution.
- Resolution – Accepting work covering NW Utility Improvements Project. The Clerk assigned number 22-68 to the resolution.
- Resolution- Agreeing to the transfer of $350,028.02 from the TIF Fund to the Debt Service Fund for the principal/interest and issuance fee payments due June 1, 2021 on the following: 2020 General Obligation Corporate Purpose and Refunding Bonds: $65,178.75, 2021 General Obligation Corporate Purpose and Refunding Bonds: $235,519.48, Fire Station: $7,682.50, Allamakee County Auditor – Equalization Payment: $1,647.29 and 2022 General Obligation Corporate Purpose Bonds Issuance Fees: $40,000. The Clerk assigned number 22-69.
- Resolution – Agreeing to the transfer of $4,000 from the Sewer Fund to the Water Resource Restoration Fund for engineering costs for the Water Resource Restoration Sponsored Project, with the understanding that, when reimbursements are received through the Clean Water State Revolving Fund the amount will be paid back to the Sewer Fund. The Clerk assigned number 22-70 to the resolution.
- Resolution – Agreeing to the transfer of $1,930 from the WWTP Construction Fund to the Sewer Plant Improvement Fund for engineering costs for the Waste Water Treatment Plant Project. The Clerk assigned number 22-71 to the resolution.
- Resolution – Agreeing to the transfer of $300,000 from the Street Improvement Fund to the 1st St. NW to 1st AVE NW Storm Sewer Improvements Project Fund for storm sewer projects. The Clerk assigned number 22-72 to the resolution.
- NW Utility Improvements Project, Skyline Construction: Approval of partial pay estimate #2 for $3,648 and approval of final pay estimate #3 for $8,322.16.
- 2021 Street Improvements Project, Skyline Construction: Approval of change order #6 of $10,398.12 and approval of partial pay estimate #6 for $12,332.35.
- Approval of City Clerk/Treasurer’s Report – April 2022
- Approval of Claims
Yes: Wiedner, Johnson, Lydon, Hatlan | Absent: Sires | No: 0
The Mayor declared the motion carried.
Under Public Comments: none
Under Department Reports: Park, Rec & Wellness Director Jeremy Strub mentioned the park is fully open and has been busier than usual. He hopes to have the pool open shortly after Memorial Day. Police Chief Paul Wagner noted they are testing applicants for a patrol officer and are working with Karl Chevrolet on getting the camera installed on their vehicle.
City Clerk Sarah Snitker mentioned there was a meeting with RAGBRAI folks last week where they discussed the city’s road closures and plans for the event. She noted that food vendors are still needed.
City Manager Gary Boden discussed a re-zoning ordinance that will be on discussion at the next meeting. He discussed phase 2 for the fiber optic cable project with the anticipation that project will start in July and will last 6-8 weeks.
The Mayor announced that this was the time and place for the public hearing on proposing disposition of interest in real property for the airport hangar. The Clerk announced there were no oral or written comments received. The Mayor declared the hearing closed.
The Mayor announced that this was the time and place for the public hearing on proposing disposition of interest in real property for 520 West Main St. and 4 6th St. SW. The Clerk announced there were no oral or written comments received. The Mayor declared the hearing closed.
The Mayor announced that this was the time and place for the public hearing on budget amending the current budget for the City of Waukon for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2022. The Clerk announced there were no oral or written comments received. The Mayor declared the hearing closed.
The Mayor announced that this was the time and place for the public hearing on proposed temporary ordinance for RAGBRAI. The Clerk announced there were no oral or written comments received. The Mayor declared the hearing closed.
Moved by: Hatlan | Seconded by: Lydon
Approving and directing the conveyance of interest in real property for the airplane hangar
Yes: Wiedner, Johnson, Lydon, Hatlan | Absent: Sires | No: 0
The Mayor declared the resolution passed. The Clerk assigned number 22-73 to the resolution.
Moved by: Hatlan | Seconded by: Lydon
Approving and directing the conveyance of interest in real property for 520 West Main St. and 4 6th St. SW.
Yes: Wiedner, Johnson, Lydon, Hatlan | Absent: Sires | No: 0
The Mayor declared the resolution passed. The Clerk assigned number 22-74 to the resolution.
Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Hatlan
Amending the current budget for the City of Waukon for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2022.
Yes: Wiedner, Johnson, Lydon, Hatlan | Absent: Sires | No: 0
The Mayor declared the resolution passed. The Clerk assigned number 22-75 to the resolution.
Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Wiedner
Authorizing and approving a certain Loan Agreement, providing for the issuance of $2,500,000 General Obligation Corporate Purpose Bonds, Series 2022 and providing for the levy of taxes to pay the same.
Yes: Wiedner, Johnson, Lydon, Hatlan | Absent: Sires | No: 0
The Mayor declared the resolution passed. The Clerk assigned number 22-76 to the resolution.
Lyle Tekippe with Fehr Graham discussed the 2021 Street Improvements project and noted that the bond would cover the remaining item that needs completion.
Moved by: Johnson | Seconded by: Lydon
Accepting work covering 2021 Street Improvements Project and approving final pay estimate #7 for $47,181.77.
Yes: Wiedner, Johnson, Lydon, Hatlan | Absent: Sires | No: 0
The Mayor declared the resolution passed. The Clerk assigned number 22-77 to the resolution.
City Clerk Snitker discussed the temporary ordinance for the RAGBRAI event.
Moved by: Hatlan | Seconded by: Lydon
To approve the first reading of the ordinance amending the code of ordinances for the purpose of assisting city officials, law enforcement officers and the RAGBRAI committee to dela with the public health and safety issues created by the infusion of a large number of people into the City of Waukon when the Des Moines RAGBRAI arrives in Waukon on July 30, 2022.
Yes: Wiedner, Johnson, Lydon, Hatlan | Absent: Sires | No: 0
The Mayor declared the motion carried.
Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Wiedner
To waive additional readings of the ordinance amending the code of ordinances for the purpose of assisting city officials, law enforcement officers and the RAGBRAI committee to dela with the public health and safety issues created by the infusion of a large number of people into the City of Waukon when the Des Moines RAGBRAI arrives in Waukon on July 30, 2022.
Yes: Wiedner, Johnson, Lydon, Hatlan | Absent: Sires | No: 0
The Mayor declared the motion carried.
Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Wiedner
To approve the final reading of the ordinance amending the code of ordinances for the purpose of assisting city officials, law enforcement officers and the RAGBRAI committee to dela with the public health and safety issues created by the infusion of a large number of people into the City of Waukon when the Des Moines RAGBRAI arrives in Waukon on July 30, 2022.
Yes: Wiedner, Johnson, Lydon, Hatlan | Absent: Sires | No: 0
The Mayor declared the ordinance adopted and the Clerk assigned number 815 to the ordinance.
Police Chief Wagner discussed the application for temporary police officers to be hired on July 30, 2022 for RAGBRAI. He said the amount they would need to hire for the day will depend on which streets get blocked off; he will work with the Street Superintendent on that.
Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Johnson
To approve the temporary hiring of Police Officers for the day at $40 per hour and for the Police Chief to determine how many officers need to be hired.
Yes: 4 | Absent: 1 | No: 0
The Mayor declared the motion carried.
Water/Sewer Superintendent Cooper mentioned the previously approved electric pump quote had an error on the total cost and should have been listed $2,500 higher.
Moved by: Hatlan | Seconded by: Lydon
To approve the addition of half the cost of the difference between the two quotes for agreement to pay a total of $14,259.
Yes: 4 | Absent: 1 | No: 0
The Mayor declared the motion carried.
Water/Sewer Superintendent Cooper asked if their department could hire summer help from 10 AM to 3:30 PM due to work load.
Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Hatlan
To approve hiring summer help in the Water/Sewer Department at $10 per hour.
Yes: 4 | Absent: 1 | No: 0
The Mayor declared the motion carried.
City Manager Boden and Street Superintendent Burrett discussed two quotes received for a truck purchase.
Council stated they would like to see the bids more comparable, have more time to review prior to approval and asked that this item be brought back to the next meeting.
No action taken.
Mayor Stone asked if a public hearing is required for a lease agreement for the plaza with Attorney Swartz saying it would be needed.
Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Johnson
To set the public hearing for the lease agreement for the plaza for June 6, 2022 at 7:00 PM.
Yes: 4 | Absent: 1 | No: 0
The Mayor declared the motion carried.
City Clerk Snitker discussed the results on a survey she completed on residents’ desire for the City to offer online payments and accepting credit cards. She also noted that there is availability for residents to call in and pay on the phone through a separate line that would be set up for that purpose.
Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Wiedner
To approve the onsite and cash collection for online payments quote from Tyler Software and approving a card terminal purchase.
Yes: 4 | Absent: 1 | No: 0
The Mayor declared the motion carried.
Moved by: Lydon| Seconded by: Johnson
To enter into closed session to discuss strategy with counsel in matters that are presently in litigation or where litigation is imminent where its disclosure would be likely to prejudice or disadvantage the position of the governmental body in that litigation- exempt from Iowa open meeting law by Iowa Code Chapter 21.5 (1) (c)
Yes: Johnson, Wiedner, Lydon, Hatlan | Absent: Sires | No: 0
The Mayor declared the motion carried. Roll call was taken: Lydon, Johnson, Wiedner, Hatlan
Moved by: Johnson | Seconded by: Hatlan
To exit closed session
Yes: Johnson, Wiedner, Lydon, Hatlan | Absent: Sires | No: 0
The Mayor declared the motion carried.
Moved by: Johnson | Seconded by: Hatlan
To enter into open session.
Yes: Johnson, Wiedner, Lydon Hatlan | Absent: Sires | No: 0
The Mayor declared the motion carried. No action following closed session
Moved by: Hatlan | Seconded by: Lydon
To adjourn.
Yes: 4 | Absent: 1 | No: 0
The Mayor declared the motion carried.