The Waukon City Council met in regular session on May 1, 2023 at 6:00 P.M. in the council room of City Hall, 101 Allamakee Street and via Zoom technology. Mayor Pat Stone and Mayor Pro Tem Kevin Johnson presided. Council members present: Arvid Hatlan, John Lydon, Kevin Johnson, Andy Sires and Steve Wiedner. Council members absent: None. Others present: City Manager Gary Boden; Police Chief Paul Wagner; Street Superintendent Keith Burrett; Water/Sewer Superintendent Jim Cooper; Park, Rec and Wellness Director Jeremy Strub; City Attorney Jeff Swartz; The Standard – Joe Moses; Fehr Graham –Sam Ertl; FEH -Kevin Eipperle; Jim Bieber; Ben Sweeney and citizens.
The Mayor called the meeting to order.
Moved by: Wiedner | Seconded by: Lydon
To approve the agenda.
Yes: Wiedner, Lydon, Johnson, Sires, Hatlan | No: 0
The Mayor declared the motion carried.
Under Department Reports: Street Superintendent Keith Burrett noted they started street patching and will start painting once the paint comes in. Water & Sewer Superintendent Jim Cooper mentioned there are 27 meters left to be installed and wondered if there should be agenda discussion on changing our ordinance to have penalties for those who do not install. Council noted they want to follow the curb stop replacement as per our ordinance and what was discussed last meeting. Cooper asked council their thoughts on partial payment on the retainage money for the Water Treatment Plant with it being noted to have that on the next agenda. Park, Rec and Wellness Director Jeremy Strub stated the pool pumps are going in this week and they plan to fill the pool next week. They will be getting a load of trees soon and will let people know when they are available; those will be on a first come first serve basis. Chief Wagner mentioned there have been a lot more 9-1-1 calls lately with that being attributed to a recent android phone update. Officer Parker recently got recertified as a firearms instructor. Assistant Chief Kwilinski recently attended a sexual assault training. Wagner is still researching into the storm siren issues.
Fehr Graham Engineer Sam Ertl noted there are still temporary easements needed for the 4th St. NW project. The storm sewer by Dollar Tree has been completed and there was discussion on the poles in Pladsen Addition for the streetlights.
City Clerk Snitker mentioned the city-wide clean up will be on May 6th.
City Manager Boden noted that he, Val Reinke, Sarah Snitker and members of the Chamber of Commerce met with two employees from KCRG regarding them featuring Waukon in their “Our Town” segment this summer.
Council Member Hatlan noted that there will be a meeting regarding the ATV/UTV ordinance being held on Thursday.
Mayor Stone mentioned disappointment with the council and resigned from office. He read his resignation letter “I, Pat Stone, resign from my position of the Mayor of Waukon on 5/1/2023. I have tried to resolve my concerns regarding the direction the city is headed with the council. My concerns have fallen on deaf ears. Our council has voted to remove themselves from the budgeting process, has not corrected mistakes or insubordination concerning our City Manager. To my surprise they encourage him to continue along the same path. I care about our community and cannot in good faith finish my term knowing we are headed in the wrong direction. Thank you for the almost 6 years I have been Mayor. We have wonderful employees, great department heads and the ladies at City Hall keep this town running. I cannot put into words to express the disappointment that I feel for our current council. Our City Manager runs the council along with the town. I hope in our next election cycle we can have competent individuals run that are willing to put the time and effort into making educated decisions with our tax dollars. The very first meeting our City Manager attended he said we were basically broke, later he corrected his statement but I believe he has made that come true now. The Citizens hire the council and Mayor. The council hires the City Manager. I plan to hold our council accountable as a citizen and encourage others to direct our council in the right direction. If they are not competent for the position, they should step down.” Mayor Stone left the meeting after reading his resignation.
Under Public Comments: No comments
FEH Architect Kevin Eipperle presented a couple of plans for the street maintenance garage and the estimated costs. How the building is set up will depend on the location.
No action taken.
Jim Bieber with Bieber Insurance went over the insurance premium comparisons.
Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Wiedner
To approve the annual insurance renewal.
Yes: 5 | No: 0
The Mayor Pro Tem declared the motion carried.
Clerk Snitker gave an update on the clean up at 9 & 11 Allamakee Street.
Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Sires
To approve partial payment of $38,000 to Lansing Brothers Construction.
Yes: 5 | No: 0
The Mayor Pro Tem declared the motion carried.
Ben Sweeney asked if it had been discussed as a possibility to have the street maintenance garage located where the current RW Pladsen is, with City Manager Boden noting the possible placement for the garage will be discussed with council in closed session.
Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Wiedner
To approve the payment of $16,536.75 to S&M Developments, LLC for engineering services related to the Pladsen addition.
Yes: 5 | No: 0
The Mayor Pro Tem declared the motion carried.
Ertl discussed the cost for relocating bushes for the owner at 307 North Court Street. Council members want the utilities in the area to be checked prior to further discussion.
No action taken.
Ertl asked if council would want a pole in the middle of the parking lot for possible camera use in the future. Council thought it might be good to add into the project right away and asked Ertl to get costs and options of possible places where cameras could be located.
No action taken.
Burrett noted he received an estimate for the storm sewer issues located on 2nd Ave., near 116 & 202 1st St. NE, and 19 1st Ave. NE. Council suggested using a camera to check the areas to make sure the issues are not bigger.
No action taken.
Boden went over ads for marketing the lots for housing development in the Pladsen Addition and the 500 block on 9th St. NW.
Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Wiedner
To give direction to move forward with the ads.
Yes: 5 | No: 0
The Mayor Pro Tem declared the motion carried.
Moved by: Hatlan | Seconded by: Lydon
To approve contract and performance and payment bonds for the 4th St. NW improvements and 8th Ave. NW sidewalk improvements project.
Yes: Hatlan, Lydon, Johnson, Wiedner, Sires | No: 0
The Mayor Pro Tem declared the resolution passed. The Clerk assigned number 23-58 to the resolution.
Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Wiedner
Authorizing addendum to development agreement – Pladsen Addition Development, to include the location of the storm sewer on Rossville Road.
Yes: Hatlan, Lydon, Johnson, Wiedner, Sires | No: 0
The Mayor Pro Tem declared the resolution passed. The Clerk assigned number 23-59 to the resolution.
Snitker noted the amounts listed in resolutions 15.b.c and 15.b.d should be $37,500 and $56,884.08.
Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Hatlan
To approve the consent agenda.
- Minutes of April 17, 2023 regular session
- Resolution – Agreeing to close the extension of HWY IA 76 and IA 9 from 2PM to 3:15PM on September 22, 2023 for the Allamakee CSD/Waukon High School Homecoming Parade. The Clerk assigned number 23-60 to the resolution.
- Resolution – Agreeing to the transfer of $17,305.18 from the Street Improvement/LOST Fund to the Prairie Ave. – City Share Fund for Prairie Ave. – Asphalt overlay in 2022. The Clerk assigned number 23-61 to the resolution.
- Resolution – Agreeing to the transfer of $37,500 from the Water Fund and $37,500 from the Sewer Fund to the Capital Project Fund-Electric Water Meters for a total of $75,000 for the Electric Water Meters Project. The Clerk assigned number 23-62 to the resolution.
- Resolution – Agreeing to the transfer of $56,884.08 from the Sewer Revenue Fund to the Sewer Revenue Bond Sinking Fund for the principal/interest payment on the Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 2019 ($47,966.10) and Series 2021-$1M ($5,202.76) and Series 2021-$750K ($3,715.22). The Clerk assigned number 23-63 to the resolution.
- Resolution – Agreeing to the transfer of $11,141.82 from the Wellness Center Operating Fund to the General Fund for the Wellness Center employee share-reimbursement for the April, 2023 payroll salaries. The Clerk assigned number 23-64 to the resolution.
- Resolution – Agreeing to the transfer of $5,000 from the West Street SW Improvements Fund to the TIF Pladsen Property Project Fund for pro-rated interest. The Clerk assigned number 23-65 to the resolution.
- Resolution – Agreeing to the total transfer of $1,074, a portion being from the Water Fund in the amount of $880.68 and a portion being from the Sewer Fund int eh amount of $193.32 to the General Fund for 2021 NW Utility Improvement Project expenses paid out of the General Fund. The Clerk assigned number 23-66 to the resolution.
- Approving Class C Retail Alcohol License for Waukon Event Center, 612 Rossville Rd.
- Approval of variance requests at 22 5th Ave. SE and 21 2nd Ave. SE
- Approval of temporary easements for 4th St. NW/8th Ave. NW Improvement Project
- Approval of Claims
Yes: Hatlan, Lydon, Johnson, Wiedner, Sires | No: 0
The Mayor Pro Tem declared the motion passed.
Under Public Comments: Council Member Lydon thanked Mayor Stone for his service.
Moved by: Hatlan | Seconded by: Lydon
To adjourn.
Yes: 5 | No: 0
The Mayor Pro Tem declared the motion carried.