June 5, 2023 City Council Agenda

Waukon City Council Tentative Agenda

Monday, June 5, 2023 – 6:00 P.M.

Meetings may also be offered via zoom; Zoom Meeting ID: 5635683491.


  1. Call to order by the Mayor Pro Tem


  1. Approval of the consent agenda
    1. Approval of Agenda
    2. Minutes – Approval of May 15, 2023
    3. Set date for public hearing on FYE 23 Budget Amendment for June 19, 2023 at 6PM.
    4. Set date for public hearing on Vacating the Street that is the VMH ED parking lot and helipad for June 19, 2023 at 6PM.
    5. Approval of Library Board Terms 6-year Renewal; Diane Piittmann, Amanda Winter
    6. Liquor License: Approval of Transfer of Premise, Temporary transfer beginning 7/19/2023 and ending 7/23/2023; Pavilion to Grandstand, Allamakee County Agricultural Society, 705 Allamakee St. (pending receipt of dramshop review)
    7. Approving Cigarette Permits
      1. Approval for Casey’s Marketing Company d/b/a Casey’s General Store #1997 – 516 Rossville Rd
      2. Approval for Dolgencorp, LLC d/b/a Dollar General Store #7229 – 805 11th Ave SW
      3. Approval for Dietrich Enterprise, LLC d/b/a Double “D” Liquor Store – 618 Rossville Rd
      4. Approval for Fareway Stores, Inc. #062 – 777 11th Ave SW
      5. Approval for Quillin’s Iowa, Inc. d/b/a Huba Huba – 9 9th St SW
      6. Approval for Hy-vee, Inc. d/b/a Hy-Vee Dollar Fresh – 819 11th Ave SW
      7. Approval for Kwik Trip, Inc. d/b/a Kwik Star #823 – 101 Rossville Rd
      8. Approval for Quillin’s Iowa, Inc. d/b/a Quillin’s Food Ranch – 9 9th St SW.
    8. Approval of Administration Payment to Simmering Cory – CDBG HSG Program
    9. Approval of Agreement for Replacing Driveway – Suzanne Ludeking
    10. Approval of Payment Request #2 – 9 & 11 Allamakee St. Project
    11. Approval of Payment Requests – Pladsen Addition Project; Fehr Graham & Skyline Construction
    12. Approval of Pay Estimate #1 – Waukon Storm Water Quality Improvement Project, Contract C
    13. Resolutions –
      1. Agreeing to the transfer of $2,368 from the General Fund to the CDBG Housing Rehab Fund
      2. Agreeing to the transfer of $10,310.54 from the Wellness Center Operating Fund to the General Fund for the Wellness Center employee share-reimbursement for the May, 2023 payroll salaries.
      3. Agreeing to the transfer of $58,759.27 from the Sewer Revenue Fund to the Sewer Revenue Bond Sinking Fund for the principal/interest payment on the Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 2019, Series 2021-$1M and Series 2021-$750K
      4. Agreeing to the transfer of $737.49 from the Sewer Revenue Bond Sinking Fund to the Sewer Revenue Bond Surplus Fund
      5. Agreeing to transfer twenty-five percent of the total ($8,985.14) (Hotel /Motel money received in May, 2023 and deposited into the General Fund) from the General Fund to the Hotel/Motel Fund
      6. Agreeing to the transfer of $12,250 from the General Fund/Police to the Capital Equipment Fund/Police for vehicle cameras
      7. Agreeing to the transfer of $35,000 from the General Fund/Police to the Capital Equipment Fund/Police for new vehicle and outfitting.
    14. Claims – Approval of claims


  1. Public Comments – Citizens may speak to the Council with comments or concerns. (3 min max per citizen, no action taken)


  1. Reports:
    1. Departments: Cate, Jeremy, Jim, Keith, Paul
    2. City Clerk
    3. City Attorney
    4. City Manager
    5. Fehr Graham
    6. City Council & Mayor


  1. Introduction – Mandy Halverson, Waukon Chamber of Commerce Director


  1. Amending the Code of Ordinances by Changing the Definitions, General Regulations, Operation on City Streets and Alleys, Operations on Primary and Secondary Roads, Restrictions and Violations for All-Terrain Vehicles and Off-Road Utility Vehicles (Second Read)


  1. Resolution: City Park Campground Usage Policy


  1. Ordinance Discussion – Speed Limit and Stop Sign Placement for 8th Ave. SW


  1. Mayor Pro Tem Compensation


  1. Storm Sewer Work Quotes


  1. Purchase of PD Car Cameras


  1. Quote for work on Well #2


  1. Quotes for purchase of Old Water Meters


  1. Streetlights in Pladsen Addition


  1. 4th Street NW Project Curb Cutout discussion


  1. 4th NW/8th Ave. NE Improvements Project – Change order #1 and Pay Estimate #1


  1. Pay Request #31 Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements


  1. Public Comments – (3 min max per citizen, no action taken)


  1. Adjournment