June 19, 2023 City Council Minutes

The Waukon City Council met in regular session on June 19, 2023 at 6:00 P.M. in the council room of City Hall, 101 Allamakee Street and via Zoom technology. Mayor Pro Tem Kevin Johnson presided. Council members present: John Lydon, Kevin Johnson, Arvid Hatlan, Andy Sires and Steve Wiedner. Council members absent: None. Others present: City Manager Gary Boden; Street Superintendent Keith Burrett; Water/Sewer Superintendent Jim Cooper; City Attorney Jeff Swartz; Finance Director – Lana Snitker; Police Chief Paul Wagner; The Standard – Joe Moses; Fehr Graham –Sam Ertl; Mel Johnson; Daryl Brink; and citizens.

The Mayor Pro Tem called the meeting to order. He noted there would be two items removed from the agenda: proposing disposition of interest in real property for Veteran’s Memorial Hospital and amending the code of ordinances regarding tree planting specifications.

Moved by: Wiedner | Seconded by: Lydon

To approve the consent agenda with those changes.

  • Approval of Agenda
  • Minutes of June 5, 2023 regular session
  • Approval of Temporary Construction Easement – 4th St. NW/8th Ave. NW Improvements Project
  • Approval of Roadway Maintenance Agreement between IDOT & Allamakee County
  • Approval of Payment of Annual Appropriation for Ambulance Purchase – $45,924.00
  • Resolution – Waiving the right to review Scott J. Dougherty & Brian W. Dougherty Subdivision Plat. The Clerk assigned number 23-85 to the resolution.
  • Resolution- Ordering preparation of detailed plans, specifications, notice of hearing, notice to bidders and form of contract- City Parking Lot and Alley Improvements Project. The Clerk assigned number 23-86 to the resolution.
  • Resolution – Agreeing to the transfer of $45,924 from the General Fund to the Capital Equipment Fund – Ambulance vehicles. The transfer and claim will be processed/paid effective July, 2023. The Clerk assigned number 23-87 to the resolution.
  • Resolution – Agreeing to the transfer of $50,000 from the Road Use Tax Fund to the Capital Equipment Fund-Streets for a vehicle purchase. The Clerk assigned number 23-88 to the resolution.
  • Approval of payment for Municipal Professionals Institute Summer Session Trainings for $480.00.
  • Approval of City Clerk/Treasurer’s Report, May, 2023.
  • Approval of Claims


Yes: Wiedner, Lydon, Johnson Sires, Hatlan | No:  0

The Mayor Pro Tem declared the motion carried.


Under Public Comments: there were no comments


Under Department Reports: Street Superintendent Keith Burrett mentioned some issues with storm sewers on Logan St., 1st Ave. SW by Kwik Trip, 1st Ave. NE and on Taylor St. Hatlan stated he thinks the storm sewer by Kwik Trip needs to be addressed as it is a safety issue.  Burrett also noted that one of his staff gave their two-week notice. Water & Sewer Superintendent Jim Cooper mentioned they have started jetting and they have some loose parts from the old meters and he asked council if they were okay with him disposing or selling them with council saying to move forward as he sees fit. Police Chief Wagner mentioned Officer Parker is attending a taser training this week and also that they are having issues with the speed trailer that they will check into. Finance Director Snitker discussed the May Treasurer’s Report and that she did an analysis between the fund balances for April and May.


Fehr Graham Engineer Sam Ertl provided an update on projects and informed council that if they would like cameras in the city parking lot that they would need to be new poles.


City Clerk Snitker mentioned there will be an open house celebrating Rita’s retirement on July 6th at City Hall. The contractor completed the backfilling at 9 & 11 Allamakee St. with remaining work to be completed in around two months’ time.


City Manager Boden noted Dollar Tree intends to put a fence up between their property and the trailer park.


Mayor Pro Tem Johnson noted lots of people in the park last Thursday due to numerous events happening. Council member Hatlan stated the streets on weeknights have been busy which has been good for downtown. Hatlan also noted there has been more vandalism in the park and he would like to see a camera system in town with the Police Department having control of that.


The Mayor Pro Tem announced that this was the time and place for the public hearing on amending the current budget for the City of Waukon for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2023. The Clerk announced there were no oral or written comments received. The Mayor Pro Tem declared the hearing closed.


Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Wiedner

To amend the current budget for the City of Waukon for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2023.

Yes: Wiedner, Johnson, Lydon, Sires, Hatlan | No: 0

The Mayor Pro Tem declared the resolution passed. The Clerk assigned number 23-89 to the resolution.


The Mayor Pro Tem announced that this was the time and place for the public hearing on vacating the street currently occupied by Veteran’s Memorial Hospital Emergency Department Parking Lot, Helipad and Clinic Building. The Clerk announced there were no oral or written comments received. The Mayor Pro Tem declared the hearing closed.


Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Hatlan

To approve the first reading amending the Code of Ordinances vacating street currently occupied by Veterans Memorial Hospital Emergency Department Parking Lot, Helipad and Clinic Building.

Yes: Sires, Hatlan, Johnson, Wiedner, Lydon | No: 0

The Mayor Pro Tem declared the motion passed.


Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Wiedner

To approve waiving the additional readings amending the Code of Ordinances vacating street currently occupied by Veterans Memorial Hospital Emergency Department Parking Lot, Helipad and Clinic Building.

Yes: Sires, Hatlan, Johnson, Wiedner, Lydon | No: 0

The Mayor Pro Tem declared the motion passed.


Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Hatlan

To adopt amending the Code of Ordinances vacating street currently occupied by Veterans Memorial Hospital Emergency Department Parking Lot, Helipad and Clinic Building.

Yes: Sires, Hatlan, Johnson, Wiedner, Lydon | No: 0

The Mayor Pro Tem declared the ordinance passed. The Clerk assigned number 828 to the ordinance.


Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Wiedner

To approve a crosswalk across Allamakee Street on the corner of 201 and 202 Allamakee Street.

Yes: 5 | No: 0

The Mayor Pro Tem declared the motion passed.


Boden discussed his recommendation for the installation of a new storm sewer at 607 2nd Ave. SW for $11,000 with the understanding a waiver would be signed by the owner that this might not alleviate the flooding problem. Council Member Hatlan noted he was contacted by tax payers who wondered why the City would pay for this if it is on private property. Hatlan noted speaking with a contractor regarding grading and was informed that could be done at the property for $2,000-$3,000. Owner Mel Johnson was present to discuss some of the issues. Council wanted to hear more about the grading option.

Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Wiedner

To table this discussion item.

Yes: 5 | No: 0

The Mayor Pro Tem declared the motion carried.


Ertl discussed the plans and specifications regarding the City Parking Lot and Alley Improvements Project with Chief Wagner noting concern that the handicap accessible parking spaces were located far away from Hartig Drug. Council discussed options for the parking to be closer to Hartig Drug and asked Ertl to check into that before they moved forward.

No action taken.


Chief Wagner discussed applying for a USDA Rural Development Grant for a new vehicle and noted signatures for documents needed to be approved.

Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Wiedner

To approve authorizing that the Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem or Police Chief can sign documents relating to the USDA Rural Development loan and/or grant.

Yes: Sires, Wiedner, Johnson, Lydon, Hatlan | No:

The Mayor Pro Tem declared the resolution passed. The Clerk assigned number 23-90 to the resolution.


Moved by: Hatlan | Seconded by: Sires

To adopt amending the Code of Ordinances by changing the Definitions, General Restrictions, Operation on City Streets and Alleys, Operations on Primary and Secondary Roads, Restrictions and Violations for All-Terrain Vehicles and Off-Road Utility Vehicles.

Yes: Wiedner, Johnson, Lydon, Sires, Hatlan | No: 0

The Mayor Pro Tem declared the ordinance passed. The Clerk assigned number 826 to the ordinance.


Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Wiedner

To approve first reading amending the Code of Ordinances by Establishing Special speed Restrictions, Stop Signs and No Parking Regulations on 8th Ave. SW.

Yes: Wiedner, Johnson, Lydon, Sires, Hatlan | No: 0

The Mayor Pro Tem declared the motion passed.


Moved by: Hatlan | Seconded by: Lydon

To approve Shana Breasure as the Utility Billing Clerk starting June 26, 2023 at $18.59 per hour then $19.15 per hour effective July 1, 2023 and to pay her Cobra insurance for July.

Yes: 5 | No: 0

The Mayor Pro Tem declared the motion passed.


Boden discussed changes to hours from 35 per week to 37.5 per week for City Hall Account Clerks and the Administrative Assistant in the Police Department.

Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Hatlan

Yes: Wiedner, Johnson, Lydon, Sires, Hatlan | No: 0

The Mayor Pro Tem declared the resolution passed. The Clerk assigned number 23-91 to the resolution.


There was discussion on the maximum driveway width.

Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Wiedner

To change the Driveway Regulations ordinance so that the maximum driveway width from the curb line is 24”.

Yes: 5 | No: 0

The Mayor Pro Tem declared the motion passed.


Mayor Pro Tem declared he would be abstaining from the vote and discussion regarding Mayor Pro Tem compensation. Clerk Snitker noted if the Mayor Pro Tem performs the duties of the Mayor for more than 15 consecutive days, per the City Ordinances, it is up to the council to determine compensation.

Moved by: Hatlan | Seconded by: Lydon

To approve Mayor Pro Tem compensation at $16.99 per day for the 50 days served with the total being $849.50.

Yes: 4 | Abstained: Johnson | No: 0

The Clerk declared the motion passed.


Mayor Pro Tem noted there was only one interested party for the Mayor vacancy. Snitker noted the current Mayor term is up the end of December so the Mayor position will be on the ballot this year.

Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Wiedner

To appoint Arvid Hatlan as Mayor effective June 20, 2023.

Yes: 5 | No: 0

The Mayor Pro Tem declared the motion passed.


Arvid Hatlan read the Oath of Office.


Under Public Comments: no comments


Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Wiedner

To enter closed session to discuss strategy meeting regarding employee union contract negotiations-exempt from Iowa open meeting law by Iowa Code Chapter 20.17(3).

Yes: Johnson, Wiedner, Sires, Hatlan, Lydon | No:  0

The Mayor declared the motion carried.  Roll call was taken: Sires, Johnson, Wiedner, Hatlan, Lydon


Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Hatlan

To exit closed session

Yes: Johnson, Wiedner, Sires, Hatlan, Lydon | No:  0

The Mayor declared the motion carried.


Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Hatlan

To enter into open session.

Yes: Johnson, Wiedner, Sires, Hatlan, Lydon | No:  0

The Mayor declared the motion carried.  No action following closed session.


Moved by: Sires | Seconded by: Lydon

To enter into closed session to discuss strategy with counsel in matters that are presently in litigation or where litigation is imminent where its disclosure would be likely to prejudice or disadvantage the position of the governmental body in that litigation- exempt from Iowa open meeting law by Iowa Code Chapter 21.5 (1) (c)

Yes: Johnson, Wiedner, Sires, Hatlan, Lydon | No:  0

The Mayor declared the motion carried.  Roll call was taken: Sires, Johnson, Wiedner, Hatlan, Lydon


Moved by: Hatlan | Seconded by: Lydon

To exit closed session

Yes: Johnson, Wiedner, Sires, Hatlan, Lydon | No:  0

The Mayor declared the motion carried.


Moved by: Hatlan | Seconded by: Lydon

To enter into open session.

Yes: Johnson, Wiedner, Sires, Hatlan, Lydon | No:  0

The Mayor declared the motion carried.  No action following closed session.


Moved by: Hatlan | Seconded by: Lydon

To enter into closed session per Iowa Code Chapter 21.5 (1)(j) to discuss the purchase or sale of particular real estate only where premature disclosure could be reasonably expected to increase the price the governmental body would have to pay for that property or reduce the price the governmental body would receive for that property.

Yes: Johnson, Wiedner, Sires, Hatlan, Lydon | No:  0

The Mayor declared the motion carried.  Roll call was taken: Sires, Johnson, Wiedner, Hatlan, Lydon


Moved by: Sires | Seconded by: Hatlan

To exit closed session

Yes: Johnson, Wiedner, Sires, Hatlan, Lydon | No:  0

The Mayor declared the motion carried.


Moved by:  Sires | Seconded by: Hatlan

To enter into open session.

Yes: Johnson, Wiedner, Sires, Hatlan, Lydon | No:  0

The Mayor declared the motion carried.


Moved by: Hatlan | Seconded by: Sires

To adjourn.

Yes: 5 | No: 0

The Mayor Pro Tem declared the motion passed.