February 7, 2022 City Council Minutes

The Waukon City Council met in regular session on February 7, 2022 at 7:00 P.M. in the council room of City Hall, 101 Allamakee Street and via Zoom technology. Mayor Pat Stone presided. Council members present: John Lydon, Andy Sires, Kevin Johnson and Steve Wiedner.  Council members absent: Arvid Hatlan. Others present: City Manager Gary Boden; Police Chief Paul Wagner; Park, Recreation & Wellness Director Jeremy Strub; Water & Sewer Superintendent Jim Cooper; City Attorney Jeff Swartz; Standard- Joe Moses; Fehr Graham – Lyle TeKippe; ACED – Val Reinke; WEDC – Ardie Kuhse and citizens.

The Mayor called the meeting to order.  He mentioned that the Closed Session, line-item g. under Considerations/Requests for Direction, can be removed from the agenda.

Moved by:  Wiedner                                                           Seconded by: Lydon

To approve the consent agenda with that change.

  • Agenda
  • Minutes of January 24, 2022 regular session
  • Approval of Class C Beer Permit (BC) with Class B Wine Permit (Carryout Wine-Includes Native Wine) and Sunday Sales for Dolgencorp, LLC d/b/a Dollar General Stores #7229, 805 11th Ave. SW
  • Approval of Funding Request to NEICAC for $3,827
  • Approval of setting the Public Hearing on Ordinance Amending the re-zoning for the Pladsen Addition for Feb. 21, 2022 @ 7 PM
  • Resolution – Approving Agreement with Helping Services for Youth & Families for Funding for Services in the amount of $100. The Clerk assigned number 22-13 to the resolution.
  • Resolution – Approving Agreement with Waukon Chamber of Commerce for Funding for Services in the amount of $150. The Clerk assigned number 22-14 to the resolution.
  • Resolution – Agreeing to the transfer of $10,369.85 from the Wellness Center Operating Fund to the General Fund for the Wellness Center employee share-reimbursement for the January, 2022 payroll salaries.  The Clerk assigned number 22-15 to the resolution.
  • Resolution – Agreeing to transfer twenty-five percent of the total ($18,192.35) (Hotel/Motel money received in December, 2021 and deposited into the General Fund) from the General Fund to the Hotel/Motel (Tourism/Economic Development) Fund in the amount of $4,548.09. The Clerk assigned number 22-16 to the resolution.
  • Resolution – Agreeing to the transfer of $53,260.60 from the Sewer Revenue Fund to the Sewer Revenue Bond Sinking Fund for the principal/interest payment on the Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 2019 ($43,598.13) and Series 2021-$1M ($5,124.35) and Series 2021-$750K ($4,538.12). The Clerk assigned number 22-17 to the resolution.
    Resolution – Agreeing to the transfer of $25,000 from the RUT Fund to the General Fund to reimburse funding for the principal/interest payment on the Johnston Vacuum Sweeper Lease. The Clerk assigned number 22-18 to the resolution.
  • Resolution – Agreeing to the transfer of $300,000 from the WWTP Construction Fund to the Capital Project Fund – Electric Water Meters for the Electric Water Meters Project. The Clerk assigned number 22-19 to the resolution.
  • Approval of Claims


Yes: Lydon, Wiedner, Johnson, Sires                            Absent: Hatlan                                            No:  0

The Mayor declared the motion carried.


Under Public Comments: none


Under Department Reports: Water & Sewer Superintendent Jim Cooper briefed that he will be meeting with someone regarding leak detection equipment. Park, Rec & Wellness Director Jeremy Strub noted there will be an ad in the paper for the next few weeks regarding summer jobs. Police Chief Paul Wagner briefed they were awarded a grant towards a car camera and that Gary approved the additional cost for the remainder of the estimate for the purchase. Street Superintendent Keith Burrett noted it was business as usual for his department.


Lyle Tekippe with Fehr Graham provided an update to the council on some open projects. City Manager Boden mentioned we are waiting on revisions to the subdivision plat for the Pladsen property and there will be another meeting this week with a water meter company.


The Mayor announced that this was the time and place for the public hearing on Proposed Property Tax Levy FYE June 30, 2023.  The Clerk announced there were no oral or written comments received.  The Mayor declared the hearing closed.


Moved by: Lydon                                               Seconded by: Johnson

To approve setting maximum property tax dollars for the 2022-2023 Fiscal Year not to exceed $1,660,204.

Yes:  Johnson, Lydon, Wiedner, Sires                             Absent: Hatlan                     No:  0

The Mayor declared the resolution passed. The Clerk assigned number 22-20 to the resolution.


Val Reinke with Allamakee County Economic Development discussed the possible creation of a County-Wide Façade Program.

Moved by: Lydon                                               Seconded by: Wiedner

To approve a resolution of support for creation of a County Façade Improvement Program.

Yes:  Johnson, Lydon, Wiedner, Sires                             Absent: Hatlan                     No:  0

The Mayor declared the resolution passed. The Clerk assigned number 22-21 to the resolution.


Moved by: Lydon                                                                Seconded by Sires

To approve additional scope of services in the amount of $10,000 to Fehr Graham for the submission of the WQI grant.

Yes:  4                                                   Absent: 1                               No:  0

The Mayor declared the motion carried.


Moved by: Lydon                                                                Seconded by Johnson

To approve the Teamsters Union Employee Agreement for July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2024

Yes:  4                                                   Absent: 1                               No:  0

The Mayor declared the motion carried.


City Manager Boden discussed the FY 2023 General Fund Budget Summary, Street Improvement Funding, Capital Project Funding and LOST Funding.

Moved by:  Wiedner                                                           Seconded by:  Lydon

To tentatively approve the FY General Fund, Capital Projects, Road Use Tax, Library, Debt Service, Tax Increment Financing, Associated Revenue funds and Wellness Center Budgets.

Yes:  4                                                   Absent: 1                               No:  0

The Mayor declared the motion carried.


Moved by Lydon                                                                 Seconded by: Johnson

To set the public hearing for FYE 2023 budget for March 7, 2022 @ 7 PM

Yes:  4                                                   Absent: 1                               No:  0

The Mayor declared the motion carried.


Moved by: Lydon                                               Seconded by: Wiedner

To approve a resolution agreeing to the transfer of $20,000 from the Wellness Capital Maintenance Fund to the General Fund to reverse previous transfer.

Yes:  Johnson, Lydon, Wiedner, Sires                             Absent: Hatlan                     No:  0

The Mayor declared the resolution passed. The Clerk assigned number 22-22 to the resolution.


Moved by: Lydon                                                               Seconded by: Wiedner

To adjourn.

Yes:  4                   Absent: 1                               No:  0

The Mayor declared the motion carried.