February 19, 2024 City Council Agenda

Monday, February 19, 2024 – 6:00 P.M.

Meetings may also be offered via zoom; Zoom Meeting ID: 5635683491.


  1. Call to order by the Mayor and Pledge of Allegiance.


  1. Approval of the consent agenda
    1. Agenda – Recommendation, approval of agenda.
    2. Minutes – Approval of February 5, 2024 and Special February 12, 2024 meeting
    3. Resolutions –
      1. Agreeing to the transfer from the Capital Project-Maintenance Garage to the Street Improvement Fund/LOST.
      2. Agreeing to the transfer from the Sewer Revenue Fund to the Sewer Plant Improvement Fund for engineering costs.
      3. Agreeing to the transfer back to the General Fund from CDBG Housing Rehab Fund for reimbursement.
      4. Agreeing to the transfer from the 9&11 Allamakee Street Fund to the Street Improvement Fund/LOST.
      5. Agreeing to the transfer from the Street Improvement Fund/LOST Fund to the Pladsen Stormwater Outlet Fund.
      6. Agreeing to the transfer from the Street Improvement/LOST Fund to the City Parking Lot/Alley fund.
      7. Agreeing to the transfer from the West Street SW Improvement Fund to the Pladsen Property Project Fund.
      8. Agreeing to the transfer from the Street Improvement/LOST Fund to the West Street SW Improvement Fund
      9. Agreeing to the transfer from the Hotel/Motel-Park Fund to Capital Equipment Fund/Park & Recreation
    4. Approval of Permanent Easement with Jeremy & Brandy Strub, West St. Project
    5. Approval of City Clerk/Treasurer’s Report, January 2024
    6. Claims – Approval of claims


  1. Public Comments – citizens may speak to the Council at this time of the meeting. (3 min max per citizen, no action taken)


  1. Reports:
    1. Departments: Cate, Jeremy, Jim, Keith, Paul
    2. Fehr Graham
    3. City: Clerk, Finance Director, Attorney, Manager
    4. Mayor & City Council


  1. Presentation on Potential Campground at Green Valley Getaway, 78 16th NW


  1. Discussion of Jeff Allison’s Housing Proposal for the former Bresnahan Property


  1. Public Hearing: Adopting the Code of Ordinances of the City of Waukon, Iowa.


  1. Ordinance: Adopting the “Code of Ordinances of the City of Waukon, Iowa.”


  1. Discuss Seeding on the Pladsen Addition Property


  1. Discussion of UTV Purchase for the Park & Rec Department


  1. Public Hearing: Awarding Contract for Pladsen Addition Storm Sewer Outlet Project


  1. Resolution: Finally Approving and Confirming Plans, Specifications and Form of Contract and Awarding Contract for Pladsen Addition Storm Sewer Outlet Project


  1. Public Hearing: Awarding Contract for City Parking Lot and Alley Improvements Project


  1. Resolution: Finally Approving and Confirming Plans, Specifications and Form of Contract and Awarding Contract for City Parking Lot and Alley Improvements Project


  1. Review and Tentative Approval of General Fund, Accounts, and Capital Improvement Budgets


  1. Public Comments – (3 min max per citizen, no action taken)


  1. Closed Session: Per Iowa Code Chapter 21.5 (1)(j) to discuss the purchase or sale of particular real estate only where premature disclosure could be reasonably expected to increase the price the governmental body would have to pay for that property or reduce the price the governmental body would receive for that property. (x3)


  1. Adjournment