December 19, 2022 City Council Agenda

  1. Call to order by the Mayor.


  1. Approval of the consent agenda
    1. Agenda – Recommendation, approval of agenda.
    2. Minutes – Approval of December 5, 2022
    3. Licenses – Approval of Class E Liquor License (LE) with Class B Wine Permit (Carryout Wine- Includes Native Wine) Class C Beer Permit (Carryout Beer), and Sunday Sales for Dietrich Enterprise, LLC d/b/a Double D Liquor Store, 618 Rossville Rd.
    4. Approval of Variance Request – 404 3rd SW
    5. Resolutions –
      1. Closing the FYE 2021-2022 Street Improvement Capital Project Fund
      2. Authorizing Internal Advance to Tax Increment Subfund
      3. Establishing the City Façade Improvement Fund
      4. Establishing the 7th Water Main Replacement Fund
      5. Establishing the Rossville Road Storm Sewer Fund
      6. Establishing the 9 & 11 Allamakee Street Fund
      7. Agreeing to the transfer from the Park Maintenance-General Sub Fund to the General Fund
      8. Agreeing to the transfer from the American Rescue Plan Fund to the 1st to 1st Storm Sewer Fund
      9. Agreeing to the transfer from the General Fund to the 1st to 1st Storm Sewer Fund
      10. Agreeing to transfer 25% of the total Hotel/Motel money received in November, 2022 and deposited into the General Fund from the General Fund to the Hotel/Motel Fund
      11. Agreeing to the transfer from the 700 Block West Street Reconstruction Fund to the Pladsen Property Project Fund
      12. Agreeing to the transfer from the WWTP Construction Fund to the Sewer Plant Improvement Fund
      13. Agreeing to the transfer from the Sewer Fund to the Water Resource Restoration Fund
      14. Agreeing to the transfer back to the General Fund from the CDBG Housing Rehab Fund
    6. Approval of Board Renewal – Carter Clark, 5-yr term, Board of Adjustments
    7. Approval of the City of Waukon Investment Policy
    8. Approval of DOT ROW Application – Rossville Rd.
    9. Approval of DOT ROW Application – Pladsen Addition Proposed Storm Sewer
    10. Approval to establish a safe deposit box at Kerndt Brothers Savings Bank in Waukon, IA. One Signature is required – Rita Swenson & Lana Snitker are authorized to sign on the box.
    11. Contributions – Recommendation of approval of contribution to Northeast Iowa Community Action
    12. Approval of City Clerk/Treasurer’s Report, November 2022
    13. Claims – Approval of claims


  1. Public Comments – citizens may speak to the Council at this time of the meeting.


  1. Reports:
    1. Departments: Cate, Jeremy, Jim, Keith, Paul
    2. City Clerk
    3. City Attorney
    4. City Manager
    5. Fehr Graham
    6. Mayor & City Council


  1. Public Hearing: Amending the current budget for the City of Waukon for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2023


  1. Resolution:
    1. Amending the current budget for the City of Waukon for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2023
    2. Approving 28E Agreement with VMH and Townships Regarding funding Ambulances for Waukon Ambulance District


  1. Ordinance:
    1. Amending the Code of Ordinances by changing commercial meter information and adding shutoff procedure for residential meter replacement (1st read)
    2. Amending the Code of Ordinances by changing the beginning time of regular City Council meetings (1st read)


  1. Considerations/Requests for Direction
    1. Discuss Northeast Iowa Regional Housing Trust Fund (NEIRHTF) Contribution
    2. Establishing City-wide Cost of Living Adjustment for FY’ 24
    3. City Business – Correspondence to include City Clerk
    4. Amended Minimum Assessment Agreement – 12 W Main St.



  1. Adjournment


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