The Waukon City Council met in regular session on August 21, 2023 at 6:00 P.M. in the council room of City Hall, 101 Allamakee Street and via Zoom technology. Mayor Arvid Hatlan presided. Council members present: John Lydon, Kevin Johnson, Dave Blocker (via zoom due to work), Steve Wiedner (arriving late) and Andy Sires (arriving late). Council members absent: None. Others present: City Manager Gary Boden; Street Superintendent Keith Burrett; Water/Sewer Superintendent Jim Cooper; Park, Rec & Wellness Director – Jeremy Strub; Police Chief Paul Wagner; The Standard – Joe Moses; Fehr Graham –Sam Ertl; NEICAC – Lori Egan; Allamakee Emergency Management – Corey Snitker; and citizens.
The Mayor called the meeting to order and the pledge of allegiance was recited. The Mayor started with department reports while waiting for another council member to make the meeting for the quorum.
Under Department Reports: Street Superintendent Keith Burrett mentioned they started tree trimming and are getting supplies and vehicles ready for winter. Park, Rec & Wellness Director Jeremy Strub noted that fall sports are getting started and that there were flames appearing in the pool heater which will require repair or replacement before next season. Water & Sewer Superintendent Jim Cooper mentioned a hydrant was replaced on 12th Ave and 2nd St. NW, there is another hydrant in the Northgate Addition that needs to be capped and stated Tyler Thesing passed the EPA certification. Police Chief Wagner mentioned there was discussion regarding the Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system discussed at the recent E-911 meeting and that he sent out an update on that.
Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Johnson
To approve the consent agenda.
- Approval of Agenda
- Minutes of August 7, 2023 regular session
- Resolution – Agreeing to the transfer of $341.75 from the Sewer Revenue Fund to the Sewer Plant Improvement Fund for engineering costs for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Project. The Clerk assigned number 23-126 to the resolution.
- Resolution – Agreeing to the transfer of $17,500 from the Employee Benefits Fund to the T&A Insurance Partial Self Fund for insurance costs. The Clerk assigned number 23-127 to the resolution.
- Resolution – Agreeing to the transfer of $103,300 from the Seventh Ave. Water Main Replacement Fund to the Rossville Rd. Storm Sewer Fund for storm sewer project and to close out the Fund. This was originally transferred from the Street Improvement Fund to the Seventh Ave. Water Main Replacement Fund. The Clerk assigned number 23-128 to the resolution.
- Resolution – Agreeing to the transfer of $8,319.15 from the Sewer Fund to the Water Resource Restoration Fund for payment to Skyline with the understanding, when the amount is returned by Lansing Brothers, the amount will be paid back. The original check was erroneously cashed by the wrong vendor. The Clerk assigned number 23-129 to the resolution.
- Approval of Payment of $14,961.75 to S&M Development for Pladsen Addition Project – Engineering Costs
- Approval of Electric Facilities Extension Agreement (Advanced by Cash Deposit) in the amount of $4.022.20.
- Approval of Claims
Yes: Lydon, Johnson, Blocker | Absent: Sires, Wiedner | No: 0
The Mayor declared the motion carried.
Under Public Comments: Pat Stone noted he provided plans for the Bresnahan housing development and asked if the council could have an open discussion on that development at a council meeting soon. With his plans, he would ask council to consider a 5-year tax abatement, platting the area and also putting in the utilities. He requested the Mayor be involved with those negotiations. He asked what the specifications are for the housing in the Pladsen Addition. He would like to work with Burrett on getting a bid put in for the street garage. He wondered what the status is on the City getting ownership of 9 & 11 Allamakee Street. Lastly, he asked about the Pladsen Addition regarding how much we borrowed for that project and how much we have spent.
Council Members Wiedner and Sires arrived during public comments.
Fehr Graham Engineer Sam Ertl provided an update on projects and noted that the engineering budget for the 4th Street NW project will have an increase. He also discussed probable costs to replace a water main along 1st Ave. NW.
City Clerk Snitker noted she met with the City IT Account Manager and would be the primary contact for ticket submittals regarding IT issues with Chief Wagner being the secondary contact. Snitker also noted discussion with Upper Explorerland staff regarding business owners having interest in the Upper Story Housing grant.
City Manager Boden noted there will be an open house meeting on the West Street SW reconstruction project on August 28th at 6PM. Anyone who has concerns or questions should attend this meeting. The new portion of West Street in the Pladsen Addition will not be getting paved until we pave the remainder of West Street.
Council Member Lydon noted the E-911 meeting was informational and would like to see someone attend those meetings or someone be appointed to go to those. Council Member Johnson agreed with Lydon’s statement as did Mayor Hatlan. Hatlan noted they are making decisions at those meetings that are affecting City budgets.
The Mayor announced that this was the time and place for the public hearing on changing ordinance for re-zoning of 520 West Main Street from R-3 Residential to B-2 Business. City Manager Boden discussed the reason for the zoning change and that there was a Planning & Zoning Meeting held and that board was in favor of the change. The Clerk announced there were no oral or written comments received. The Mayor declared the hearing closed.
Moved by: Wiedner | Seconded by: Lydon
To approve the first reading amending the Code of Ordinances changing zoning district classification from “R-3” Single Family and Two-Family Residence to “B-2” Business District for certain Real Estate in the City of Waukon.
Yes: Sires, Blocker, Johnson, Wiedner, Lydon | No: 0
The Mayor declared the motion passed.
Snitker discussed a request for façade grant money and made note of the two estimates provided, one for exterior painting on the building ($13,983) and one for painting on the roof ($7,388).
Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Johnson
To approve grant funding of $6,992 for exterior painting on the building at 991 9th St. NW.
Yes: 5 | No: 0
The Mayor declared the motion passed.
Snitker discussed changes to the City Façade guidelines and application noting the addition of a match requirement, restriction on how often funds can be received by the same applicant and mentioned eligible and ineligible activities.
Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Sires
To approve the updates to the City of Waukon Façade Improvement Grant program.
Yes: 5 | No: 0
The Mayor declared the motion passed.
Northeast Iowa Community Action Transportation Director Lori Egan discussed public transportation in the area and noted that services are available to the general public from Monday through Friday from 9AM to 1PM with a one-way ride being $2.
No action taken.
Chief Wagner discussed the standard operating procedures for the grass and weeds compliance. Mayor Hatlan requested a special meeting be held on September 11th at 6PM to discuss nuisance abatements and snow removal.
No action taken.
Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Wiedner
To approve the partial pay request #3 of $230,749.76 to Skyline Construction for 4th St. NW Improvements and 8th Ave. NW Sidewalk Improvements Project.
Yes: 5 | No: 0
The Mayor declared the motion passed.
Ertl confirmed that Alliant Energy will own and maintain the light poles in the Pladsen Addition for the Stage 1 Street Lighting.
Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Johnson
To approve the Pladsen Addition Stage 1 Street Lighting project, total cost of $12,994.81.
Yes: 5 | No: 0
The Mayor declared the motion passed. The Clerk assigned number 23-130 to the resolution.
Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Sires
To adopt Allamakee County, Iowa Multi-Jurisdiction Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan.
Yes: Sires, Johnson, Lydon, Wiedner | Abstained: Blocker | No: 0
The Mayor declared the resolution passed. The Clerk assigned number 23-131 to the resolution.
Under Public Comments: none
Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Sires
To enter into closed session per Iowa Code Chapter 21.5 (1)(j) to discuss the purchase or sale of particular real estate only where premature disclosure could be reasonably expected to increase the price the governmental body would have to pay for that property or reduce the price the governmental body would receive for that property.
Yes: Johnson, Wiedner, Sires, Blocker, Lydon | No: 0
The Mayor declared the motion carried. Roll call was taken: Sires, Johnson, Wiedner, Blocker, Lydon
Moved by: Sires | Seconded by: Lydon
To exit closed session
Yes: Johnson, Wiedner, Sires, Blocker, Lydon | No: 0
The Mayor declared the motion carried.
Moved by: Sires | Seconded by: Lydon
To enter into open session.
Yes: Johnson, Wiedner, Sires, Blocker, Lydon | No: 0
The Mayor declared the motion carried.
Moved by: Sires | Seconded by: Lydon
To enter closed session to discuss strategy meeting regarding employee union contract negotiations-exempt from Iowa open meeting law by Iowa Code Chapter 20.17(3).
Yes: Johnson, Wiedner, Sires, Blocker, Lydon | No: 0
The Mayor declared the motion carried. Roll call was taken: Sires, Johnson, Wiedner, Blocker, Lydon
Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Johnson
To exit closed session
Yes: Johnson, Wiedner, Sires, Blocker, Lydon | No: 0
The Mayor declared the motion carried.
Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Johnson
To enter into open session.
Yes: Johnson, Wiedner, Sires, Blocker, Lydon | No: 0
The Mayor declared the motion carried.
Moved by: Wiedner | Seconded by: Sires
To adjourn.
Yes: 5 | No: 0
The Mayor declared the motion passed.