April 4, 2022 City Council Agenda

MONDAY April 4, 2022– 7:00 P.M.

  1. Call to order by the Mayor.
  2. Approval of the consent agenda
    1. Agenda – Recommendation, approval of agenda.
    2. Minutes – Approval of March 21, 2022 regular session
    3. Approval of Board of Adjustment Variance Request Approval – 508 West St. SW
    4. Approving Licenses
      1. Approval of Class B Native Wine Permit (WBN) for Hartig Drug Company dba Hartig Drug Store 12, 21 West Main Street.
    5. Resolution –
      1. Agreeing to close the extension of Allamakee Street (Highway 9) for the Memorial Day Parade.
      2. Establishing the City Hall Roof & Repairs Fund
      3. Agreeing to the transfer from the Sewer Revenue Fund to the Sewer Revenue Bond Sinking fund
      4. Agreeing to the transfer from the Wellness Center Operating Fund to the General Fund for the Wellness Center employee share
      5. Approving Depositories of City Funds
      6. Establishing the Music in the Park Fund
      7. Establishing the YSF Football Fund
      8. Agreeing to the transfer from the General Fund to the CDBG Housing Rehab Fund
      9. Agreeing to the transfer from the West Side Development Sub fund to the Pladsen Property Project Fund
      10. Agreeing to the transfer from the Water Fund and from the Sewer Fund to the Capital Project Fund – Electric Water Meters
      11. Approval of Plat of Survey – Stortz Farm Partnership
    6. Approval of Pay Request #1 – Housing CDBG Project – Breimon
    7. Approval of Relocation Pay Request – Housing CDBG Project – Breimon
    8. Claims – Approval of claims
  3. Proclamation: Sexual Assault Awareness Month
  4. Public Comments – citizens may speak to the Council at this time of the meeting.
  5. Reports:
    1. Departments: Cate, Jeremy, Jim, Keith, Paul
    2. City Clerk
    3. City Attorney
    4. City Manager
    5. Mayor
    6. City Council
  6. Public Hearing:
    1. Proposed Contract Documents and Estimated Costs for Improvements – 2022 Street Improvements Project
    2. Proposed Urban Renewal Plan Amendment
  7. Resolution:
    a. To Declare Necessity and Establish an Urban Renewal Area, Pursuant to Section 403.4 of the Code of Iowa and Approve Urban Renewal Plan Amendment for the Southeast Urban Renewal Area
    b. Finally Approving and Confirming Plans, Specifications and Form of Contract and Awarding Contract for 2022 Street Improvements Project
    c. To fix a date for April 18, 2022 at 7 PM for a public hearing on a proposal to enter into a General Obligation Corporate Purpose Loan Agreement and to borrow money thereunder in a principal amount not to exceed            $2,500,000
    d. Approving detailed plans and specifications, notice of hearing, notice to bidders and form of contract – Storm Water Quality Improvements Project – Public Hearing scheduled for May 2, 2022 at 7 PM.
  8.  Considerations/Requests for Direction
    1. Approval of Quote for City Hall Lower Back Roof Replacement
    2. Insurance Renewal – Bieber
    3. Approval of Urban WQI Project Grant Contract
    4. Discuss approval of development agreement and purchase offer to buy real estate and acceptance – Lot 4, Pladsen Addition
    5. Approval of Quote – Submersible Pump, Water/Sewer Department
    6. Authorization to procure and install – Water Meter Project
  9. Adjournment

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