April 3, 2023 City Council Minutes

The Waukon City Council met in regular session on April 3, 2023 at 6:00 P.M. in the council room of City Hall, 101 Allamakee Street and via Zoom technology. Mayor Pat Stone presided. Council members present: Arvid Hatlan, John Lydon, Kevin Johnson, Andy Sires and Steve Wiedner.  Council members absent: None.  Others present: City Manager Gary Boden; Finance Director Lana Snitker; Police Chief Paul Wagner; Street Superintendent Keith Burrett; Water/Sewer Superintendent Jim Cooper; The Standard – Joe Moses; Fehr Graham –Sam Ertl; and citizens.

The Mayor called the meeting to order. Lydon requested to remove the closed session 21.5 (1)(i) performance evaluation and move it to the next meeting.

Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Wiedner

  • To approve the consent agenda with that change.
  • Agenda
  • Minutes of March 20, 2023 regular session
  • Resolution – Agreeing to the transfer of $10,741.25 from the Wellness Center Operating Fund to the General Fund for the Wellness Center employee share-reimbursement for the March, 2023 payroll salaries. The Clerk assigned number 23-36 to the resolution.
  • Resolution – Agreeing to the transfer of $56,884.05 from the Sewer Revenue Fund to the Sewer Revenue Bond Sinking Fund for the principal/interest payment on the Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 2019($47,966.08) and Series 2021-$1M ($5,202.76) and Series 2021-$750K ($3,715.21). The Clerk assigned number 23-37 to the resolution.
  • Resolution – Authorizing internal advance to Tax Increment Sub Fund not to exceed $394.  The Clerk assigned number 23-38 to the resolution.
  • Resolution – Agreeing to the transfer of $7,081.00 (grant amount) from the Capital Project – Airport Improvement Fund to the General Fund to reimburse the General Fund for an internal advance. The Clerk assigned number 23-39 to the resolution.
  • Resolution – Agreeing to the transfer of $125,000 from the Street Improvement/LOST Fund to the 1st To 1st Storm Sewer Fund for storm sewer project. The Clerk assigned number 23-40 to the resolution.
  • Resolution – Agreeing to the transfer of $103,300 from the Street Improvement/LOST Fund to the 7th Ave. Water Main Replacement Fund for water main replacement project. The Clerk assigned number 23-41 to the resolution.
  • Resolution – Agreeing to the transfer of $200,000 from the 700 Block West Street Reconstruction Fund to the Pladsen Property Project Fund to fund the Pladsen Property Project. The Clerk assigned number 23-42 to the resolution.
  • Resolution – Agreeing to the transfer of $350 from the Sewer Fund to the Water Resource Restoration Fund for permits for the Water Resource Restoration Sponsored Project. The Clerk assigned number 23-43 to the resolution.
  • Approval of Special Class B Retail Native Wine License (WBN) for Hartig Drug Company d/b/a Hartig Drug Store 12, 21 W Main Street.
  • Approval of Special Class C Retail Alcohol License (WCN) for WW Homestead Dairy LLC d/b/a WW Homestead Dairy LLC, 850 Rossville Rd. (pending dramshop review).
  • Approval of Claims


Yes: Hatlan, Wiedner, Lydon, Johnson, Sires | No:  0

The Mayor declared the motion carried.


Mayor Pat Stone read the proclamation setting April, 2023 as Sexual Assault Awareness Month.


Under Public Comments: No comments


Under Department Reports: Water & Sewer Superintendent Jim Cooper mentioned their department has started installing water meters and that one of the meter collectors is not working and he will be talking to tech support regarding it. Boden reported on behalf of Park, Rec and Wellness Director Jeremy Strub, that the summer programs will be starting soon and they are trying to get people from the wellness center to cover the concession stand at the pool so they have more coverage with lifeguards. Street Superintendent Keith Burrett noted their department started four 10-hour days, trees will start to get trimmed soon and the street sweeper will be running unless the weather gets below freezing. Chief Wagner mentioned they have an interview coming up for the open officer position.


Fehr Graham Engineer Sam Ertl noted there was an addendum regarding engineering services for 7th Ave. SE that was signed by Pladsen. Stone addressed concerns with there being an addendum to the contract regarding City easements that the City did not sign and thought it would be good to have the attorney verify that is not an issue. Ertl also noted that we still have not received some temporary easements for the 4th Street Project and noted the City will need to make a decision on how they want to proceed if there are some that are not returned by that time the project starts.


City Clerk Snitker mentioned she was contacted by a building owner downtown interested in applying for the CDBG Upper Story Housing Rehabilitation program but that the City would need to be the applicant. Council Member Hatlan asked for that item to be on the next meeting agenda. Snitker also noted that there will be a Planning and Zoning workshop held in Decorah next spring but if Waukon wanted to hold one sooner that is a possibility for a flat fee of $750 for up to 20 attendees.


City Manager Boden noted there will be a couple of building permit variances in April and he will be out of office next week attending some conferences.


Council Member Sires stated he was contacted by a citizen wondering about signage on 16th Ave. NW regarding children in the area and asked if discussion could be on the next agenda. He was also contacted by someone regarding questions on outdoor furnaces. Council Member Hatlan noted that Chad Lansing from Lansing Brothers will be bringing in equipment next week for the tear down of 9 & 11 Allamakee Street and that Black Hills Energy is scheduled to disconnect the gas service next week.


Mayor Stone mentioned he attended the Emergency Management Board Meeting today and that the Courthouse opens for bad weather if anyone needs shelter. Stone noted his disappointment with the City Manager evaluation being removed from the agenda and noted it has been almost two years since one was completed. He also requested citizens to asked questions if they have any and talk with council members.


Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Hatlan

To approve contract and performance and payment bonds for the 1st St. NW to 1st Ave. NW Storm Sewer Project to Skyline Construction for bid amount of $571,140.10.

Yes: Hatlan, Lydon, Johnson, Wiedner, Sires | No: 0

The Mayor declared the resolution passed. The Clerk assigned number 23-44 to the resolution.


Cooper discussed the qualifications for Landon Reinhardt.

Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Wiedner

To approve the hiring of Landon Reinhardt for Water/Wastewater Operator with a start date of April 4, 2023 at $17.15 per hour.

Yes: 5 | No: 0

The Mayor declared the motion carried.


Boden discussed a vehicle purchase for the Park and Rec Department.

Moved by: Wiedner | Seconded by: Lydon

To approve the purchase of a 2-wheel drive dodge pick-up truck for $28,818.50.

Yes: 5 | No: 0

The Mayor declared the motion carried.


Wagner noted that two of the storm sirens did not work during the last test and would like to discuss this further at another meeting. Stone and council members also believe a maintenance plan regarding the storms sirens should be put into place.

No action taken.


Stone noted he spoke with Burrett regarding the possibility of purchasing a tar machine.  He thinks it might be a good idea to put that in the budget in the future for maintenance. Council would like Burrett to research costs.

No action taken.


Boden asked council if they would like to send a letter to our legislatures regarding changes to the sales tax for local governments. Council are in favor of sending a letter.

No action taken.


Hatlan asked Wagner his thoughts on a sign being put at the intersection of 1st Ave. NW and 10th Street. Wagner noted there has not been a traffic incident there in the last ten years.

No action taken.


Boden noted he has not received correspondence from Runyan Brothers regarding the housing development agreement for the” Bresnahan” Development. Council said the contract is considered null and void and a new contract would be needed if they are still interested.

No action taken.


Stone asked for Council’s thoughts on Veteran’s Memorial Hospital paying the fees on behalf of the transfer to a County hospital since the City is giving them the property. Normally the seller is responsible for these costs, but Stone feels that since it will become a County hospital, VMH should pick up these fees so the citizens of Waukon do not get charged twice. Council would like to have this discussion when the City Attorney is available.

Moved by: Wiedner | Seconded by: Hatlan

To table discussion on this item until we can get further information from our attorney.

Yes: 5 | No: 0

The Mayor declared the motion carried.


Moved by: Hatlan | Seconded by: Lydon

To enter into closed session per Iowa Code Chapter 21.5 (1)(j) to discuss the purchase or sale of particular real estate only where premature disclosure could be reasonably expected to increase the price the governmental body would have to pay for that property or reduce the price the governmental body would receive for that property.

Yes:  Hatlan, Johnson, Lydon, Wiedner, Sires | No:  0

The Mayor declared the motion carried.  Roll call was taken: Hatlan, Johnson, Lydon, Wiedner, Sires


Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Hatlan

To exit closed session

Yes:  Hatlan, Johnson, Lydon, Wiedner, Sires | No:  0

The Mayor declared the motion carried.


Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Hatlan

To enter into open session.

Yes:  Hatlan, Johnson, Lydon, Wiedner, Sires | No:  0

The Mayor declared the motion carried.



Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Wiedner

To adjourn.

Yes: 5 | No: 0

The Mayor declared the motion carried.