The Waukon City Council met in regular session on April 1, 2024, at 6:00 P.M. in the council room of City Hall, 101 Allamakee Street and via Zoom technology. Mayor Arvid Hatlan presided. Council members present: Kevin Johnson, Dave Blocker John Lydon, Steve Wiedner and Nick Engrav. Council members absent: None. Others present: City Manager Gary Boden; Street Superintendent Keith Burrett; Water/Sewer Superintendent Jim Cooper; Park, Rec & Wellness Director Jeremy Strub; Police Chief Paul Wagner; Finance Director Lana Snitker; Fehr Graham – Sam Ertl; Allen Roofing Construction Inc.- Ryan Johnson; Allamakee Economic Development – Val Reinke; Bieber Real Estate – Jim Bieber; Q 4 LLC – Dexter Quandahl; The Standard – Joe Moses; and citizens.
The mayor called the meeting to order.
Moved by: Wiedner | Seconded by: Engrav
To approve the consent agenda.
- Approval of Agenda
- Minutes of March 18, 2024
- Resolution – agreeing to the transfer of $58,760.99 from the Storm Sewer Revenue Fund to the Sewer revenue Bond Sinking Fund for the principal/interest payment on the Sewer Revenue Improvement and Refunding Bond, Series 2022 ($50,007.69), Series 2023 ($5,084.75) and Series 2021 ($3,668.55). The Clerk assigned number 24-48 to the resolution.
- Approval of Public Hearing on the proposed budget for fiscal year July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025, on April 22, 2024, at 6 PM.
- Approval of Class C Retail Alcohol License with outdoor service for Waukon Golf & Country Club, 308 1st St. SE; Special Class B Retail Native Wine License for Hartig Drug, 21 West Main St.
- Approval of permanent storm drainage easement with Tracy & Jesse Troxel
- Approval of DOT Row application near intersection of Rossville Rd. and 8th Ave. SW
- Approval of variance applications for 602 West Main Street, 34 4th St. SE and Lot 3 in the Waukon Airport.
- Approval of claims
Yes: Johnson, Wiedner, Engrav, Lydon, Blocker | No: 0
The Mayor declared the motion carried.
Under Public Comments: none
Under Department Reports: Park, Rec and Wellness Director Strub noted that the water in the park will be turned on in a week or two depending on the weather. Street superintendent Burrett noted they are cutting trees and still sweeping. Water/Sewer Superintendent Cooper mentioned they submitted bio solids for testing, and the results came back good. Police Chief Wagner stated they applied for the STEP grant and that they had a good turnout for their 2nd annual open house.
City Clerk Snitker noted there is a planning and zoning workshop in Decorah on April 25th that the Board of Adjustment members, Planning & Zoning Commission members, council and mayor were invited to. City Attorney Swartz noted he had contact from the County Attorney’s office regarding a zoom meeting available for attendance regarding open and closed meetings and noted he would share that information with the city clerk. City Manager Boden noted there is a potential for the planning and zoning commission to meet this month for two zoning items which would also be brought before council later.
Council member Blocker noted he went through the city audit and wanted to publicly thank the staff for their work on it. Mayor Hatlan mentioned he has been discussing the storm sirens with Wagner as the one in the park is having issues again.
Jim Bieber discussed the city’s insurance renewal costs and comparisons to the previous year.
Moved by: Engrav | Seconded by: Lydon
To approve the insurance premium renewal with Bieber Insurance for a total combined premium of $244,922.91.
Yes: 5 | No: 0
The mayor declared the motion carried.
The mayor announced that this was the time and place for the public hearing on discussing applying for a USDA Grant for a new vehicle for the Waukon Police Department. The clerk announced there were no oral or written comments received. The mayor declared the hearing closed.
Moved by: Blocker | Seconded by: Johnson
To approve the resolution agreeing to apply for financial assistance with the United States Department of Agriculture, Rural Development to finance Waukon Police Department Patrol Vehicle purchase and authorizing the mayor and Police Chief to sign all documents relating to the USDA grant.
Yes: Blocker, Johnson, Lydon, Engrav, Wiedner | No: 0
The mayor declared the resolution passed. The clerk assigned number 24-49 to the resolution.
The mayor announced that this was the time and place for the public hearing on proposal to enter into an Essential Purpose Loan Agreement. The clerk announced there were three comments received regarding concern for the city’s finances if a loan is needed to be taken out. No other oral or written comments received. The mayor declared the hearing closed.
The mayor announced that this was the time and place for the public hearing on proposal to enter into a General-Purpose Loan Agreement. The clerk announced there were no oral or written comments received. The mayor declared the hearing closed.
City Manager Boden noted this will be a 4-years loan of $200,000. Council member Engrav asked if there is a breakdown of what the uses cost. Boden noted the anticipated projects to be for the city hall roof which will the next discussion item, downtown decorative hanging baskets of $8,500, driveway repairs in the park for $35,000, the AC unit at city hall to be around $11,000, city façade improvements revolved loan program and a revolved construction loan program for $75,000 where we will front end construction costs that will then be reimbursed upon the sale of the building. Boden stated if there are any remaining funds they will be used towards city hall repairs.
Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Blocker
To approve the resolution authorizing and approving loan agreements, combining loan agreements, and providing for the issuance of a general obligation corporate purpose note, series 2024 and providing for the levy of taxes to pay the same.
Yes: Blocker, Johnson, Lydon, Engrav, Wiedner | No: 0
The mayor declared the resolution passed. The clerk assigned number 24-53 to the resolution.
Note: On April 14, 2024, the Mayor notified the council members, city clerk and city manager that he was going to exercise his veto authority regarding resolution number 24-53 with the following statement:
I am sending this letter out to the Waukon City Council as I am vetoing the resolution that authorizes approval of a loan agreement for $200,000. I will explain the reasons I am using my veto power in further detail here. First off, I have been on council for 6 years and now as Mayor, I believe it is our duty to be fiscally responsible to the taxpayers and citizens of our great city of Waukon. There are several things included in this loan agreement that simply are not fiscally responsible to be borrowing money for.
- $9,000 in flowerpots and hangers for downtown. This was never discussed or approved at a council meeting.
- $30,000 for asphalt work in the park. This also was never discussed or approved at a council meeting. I have also confirmed with the Park, Rec and Wellness Director that he asked for this in his budget the last two years, and it was denied both times by the City Manager.
- The City Façade Program. Since monies were not budgeted for this grant program and we don’t have the funds from elsewhere, then we should not be borrowing money to fund this and place more burden on the taxpayers. We simply should hold off on this for a year.
- Bresnahan Development. As of now, there has been no approval of a development agreement with any builders and are no closer to one than we have been in the past. We certainly should not be borrowing money for any potential building loans to any builder for that property.
In closing, the only money that we should be borrowing at this time is for immediate emergency repairs and needs that we are currently faced with. These emergency needs are, the west half of the roof on city hall and the heating and air conditioning systems at city hall, which totaled would be less than $75,000. Arvid Hatlan, Mayor
Ryan Johnson discussed the estimate provided for the city hall roof replacement and the work that will go into the project.
Moved by: Wiedner | Seconded by: Lydon
To approve the city hall roofing estimate with Allen Roofing Construction without the insulation option but to include the other estimate costs of $34,525, $500, $3,900, $5,800, and $6,600 for a total of $51,325.
Yes: 5 | No: 0
The mayor declared the motion carried.
The mayor announced that this was the time and place for the public hearing on approving plans and specifications and form of contract, to consider bids and to award contract for the West Street SW Improvements Project. The clerk announced there were no oral or written comments received. The mayor declared the hearing closed.
Ertl went over the bids received for the project.
Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Johnson
To approve the resolution approving plans and specifications and form of contract, to consider bids and to award contract for the West Street SW Improvements Project to Skyline Construction in the amount of $375,628.20.
Yes: Blocker, Johnson, Lydon, Engrav, Wiedner | No: 0
The mayor declared the resolution passed. The clerk assigned number 24-50 to the resolution.
Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Johnson
To approve the resolution setting the date for a public hearing on the Urban Renewal Plan Amendment for May 6, 2024.
Yes: Blocker, Johnson, Lydon, Engrav, Wiedner | No: 0
The mayor declared the resolution passed. The clerk assigned number 24-51 to the resolution.
Clerk Snitker discussed the city façade application received for 866 Allamakee Street for a siding project with a total cost of $17,841.90.
Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Wiedner
To approve the city façade grant application for a siding project at 866 Allamakee Street in the amount of $8,920.95.
Yes: 5 | No: 0
The mayor declared the motion carried.
Chief Wagner discussed his recommendation for an ordinance change regarding the parking lot traffic at the high school to be re-routed during the dismissal time for the middle school and elementary school for safety purposes. He noted he has been in discussions with the superintendent at the school who is on board with this proposal.
Moved by: Blocker | Seconded by: Lydon
To direct Chief Wagner to move forward with an ordinance revision per his recommendation.
Yes: 5 | No: 0
The mayor declared the motion carried.
Chief Wagner discussed a recommendation for designation of two parking stalls in front of Hartig Drug for prescription pick up only during the city parking lot project construction.
Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Johnson
To approve the recommendation from Chief Wagner to designate two parking stalls in front of Hartig Drug for prescription pick up only with a 20-minute time restriction to occur during the municipal parking lot project.
Yes: 5 | No: 0
The mayor declared the motion carried.
Moved by: Blocker | Seconded by: Johnson
To approve the 1st ordinance reading to amend the code of ordinances by changing vicious dogs’ definition and certain dog breed exemption requirements.
Yes: Blocker, Johnson, Lydon, Engrav, Wiedner | No:
The mayor declared the motion carried.
Clerk Snitker discussed the State change for Class E liquor license that allows an establishment with that class license to sign up for automatic renewal and not need to go to council for approval every year.
Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Wiedner
To approve the 1st ordinance reading to amend the code of ordinances by changing action by council for Class E Retail Liquor Licenses.
Yes: Blocker, Johnson, Lydon, Engrav, Wiedner | No: 0
The mayor declared the motion carried.
Boden discussed the development agreement for housing development in the City lot 4 of the Pladsen Addition. Dexter Quandahl presented his plans and noted depending on costs of construction rent would be anticipated around $900-$1,200 depending on the unit.
Moved by: Wiedner | Seconded by: Engrav
To approve the resolution to approve the housing development agreement for city lot 4 in the Pladsen Addition.
Yes: Blocker, Johnson, Wiedner, Engrav, Lydon
The mayor declared the resolution passed. The clerk assigned number 24-52 to the resolution.
Moved by: Wiedner | Seconded by: Engrav
To make an amendment to the resolution approving the housing development agreement for city lot 4 in the Pladsen Addition to include a public hearing be held regarding the sale with that being scheduled for April 22, 2024, at 6PM.
Yes: Blocker, Johnson, Wiedner, Engrav, Lydon
The mayor declared the amendment passed.
Val Reinke discussed the wage enhancement program and childcare concerns. She mentioned she needs members to join the Allamakee County Childcare Coalition and is looking for members from all over the county.
No action taken.
Under Public Comments: Jenny O’Neil asked why there have been so many closed sessions over the last fiscal year, noting that out of 19 council meetings there have only been 4 times where there has not been a closed session. Boden noted there have been a lot of closed sessions due to real estate, mentioning that development agreements have also been discussed. John Sweeney noted the C Mart lot sold without a development agreement. Jenny O’Neil also asked if Tax Increment Financing is understood by the council members as the amount has increased a lot over the years with Boden noting he could discuss TIF with her if she would like.
Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Engrav
To enter into closed session per Iowa Code Chapter 21.5 (1)(j) to discuss the purchase or sale of particular real estate only where premature disclosure could be reasonably expected to increase the price the governmental body would have to pay for that property or reduce the price the governmental body would receive for that property. (x2)
Yes: Johnson, Wiedner, Blocker, Engrav, Lydon | No: 0
The mayor declared the motion carried. Roll call was taken: Blocker, Johnson, Wiedner, Engrav, Lydon
Moved by: Blocker | Seconded by: Lydon
To exit closed session.
Yes: Johnson, Wiedner, Engrav, Blocker, Lydon | No: 0
The mayor declared the motion carried.
Moved by: Lydon | Seconded by: Blocker
To enter open session.
Yes: Johnson, Wiedner, Engrav, Blocker, Lydon | No: 0
The mayor declared the motion carried. No action following the closed session.
Moved by: Blocker | Seconded by: Engrav
To adjourn.
Yes: 5 | No: 0
The mayor declared the motion carried.