Waukon EMS 5K Chiller Fun Run/Walk

The 5K Chiller Fun Run/Walk will be Saturday, October 29, 2022.  Costumes are not required, but are encouraged for a spooktacular time!  Open registration and check in will begin at 2:00 p.m. with the Chiller Fun Run/Walk at 3:00 p.m.  

Chiller Fun Run/Walk entry fee is $30.00 for each individual adult participant, $25.00 for each adult team participant, and $15.00 for each 12 year old & under participant. Entry fee includes a Chiller Run long sleeve tee, post run and refreshments.  Registrations received by midnight October 18, 2022 will be guaranteed a 5K Chiller Fun Run/Walk shirts at the check in/registration table.  After that date participants will still receive a shirt with the entry fee, but it will be available to pick up later.  


Oct 29 2022


3:00 pm


Empty Nest Winery
1352 Apple Rd.